
We are using mosesserver for our translation system. We are using java API
given with the decoder, and its working fine. We want multiple
translations for same text. As in one moses support conversation It was
responded in Sept 2012, that mosesserver do not support -n-best-list
option. Is this feature available in current Version?

The command line option for server, we are using-
$mosesserver -f moses.ini -n-best-list nbest.txt 10 --server-port 8081
--server-log /dev/null

It is still responding with single out put and no file(nbest.txt) is
created so for. Am I doing something wrong? Please suggest.

Thanks & Regards:
Raj Nath Patel

राज नाथ पटेल/Raj Nath Patel
KBCS dept.
CDAC Mumbai.
Moses-support mailing list

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