
I'm attempting to use the python interface to aid with a translation
pipeline for longer pieces of text. Currently the pipeline is all written
in python so this interface seemed perfect. I've run into a few problems
however. The first problem is with compiling moses. Using "./bjam
--libdir=/home/judah/mosesdecoder/lib link=shared -j12 -a" the compilation
is successful, but using "./bjam --with-boost=/home/judah/boost_1_55_0
-libdir=/home/judah/mosesdecoder/lib link=shared -j12 -a" the compilation
fails. Compiling with only irstlm and no link=shared succeeds. Do you have
any idea what's wrong? I can include a log if that would help. I have
followed all of the documentation as well as I could. The error is:

"/usr/bin/ld: /home/judah/irstlm-5.80.03/lib/libirstlm.a(dictionary.o):
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a
shared object; recompile with -fPIC

/home/judah/irstlm-5.80.03/lib/libirstlm.a: error adding symbols: Bad value"

I've tried recompiling both moses and irstlm with the -fPIC flag but
nothing has worked so far.

The second issue is with the interface itself. I may be misunderstanding
the point of this interface but it seems to not translate anything longer
than a 2 word phrase, is this something I'm doing wrong or is that all that
it can do?


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