AMTA 2014 Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice (WPTP3)
October 26, 2014 -- Vancouver, Canada

Following the success of the AMTA 2012 and MT Summit 2013 Workshops on
Post-Editing Technology and Practice, we are organizing WPTP3.
 Once again, this workshop will be an opportunity for post-editing
practitioners and
researchers to get together and openly discuss the weaknesses and
strengths of existing technology, to properly and objectively assess
post-editing effectiveness, to establish better practices, and propose
tools and technological post-editing solutions that are built around
the needs of users.

This one-day workshop will be held during the AMTA conference, in Vancouver
(Canada), October 26, 2014.  The format of the workshop was changed to
it more interactive this year: the morning session will feature an invited
speaker and oral presentations of original work. The afternoon session will
include a longer poster/demo session preceded by short "poster-boaster"
presentations, and will conclude with a panel discussion. The panel will
involve actors from various areas of the post-editing scene (translators
and post-editors, translation trainers and scholars, LSPs, technology
researchers and industrials) and will be moderated by AMTA president
Mike Dillinger.

Topics of interest:

We are particularly interested in attracting
original papers on the following themes, but also welcome other ideas
which touch on potential fruitful human-machine collaborations for

- Post-editing user interface design and evaluation
- Tools for crowd and community post-editing
- Automatic prediction of post-editing effort
- Error-detection and error-correction for post-editing
- Innovative uses of post-editor feedback
- Innovative uses of MT data for post-editing
- Integration of MT with translation memory and other CAT tools
- Text pre- and post-processing for post-editing
- Post-editing and mobile devices
- Post-editing evaluation methodology and metrics
- Collecting and sharing post-editing data
- Best practices for post-editing
- Training for post-editing


We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to
post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems and open
source software. Authors should be ready to present demos of the tools
during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.

Important dates:

July 30: Submission deadline (no extensions)
September 8: Notifications to authors
September 22: Camera-ready versions due
October 26: Workshop

Original Paper Submission Instructions:

The format for original papers is the same as for regular AMTA 2014

Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 2 (two) pages for references.
All papers should follow the formatting instructions included with the
style files,
and should be submitted in PDF. Latex, PDF and MS Word style files are
available at:

To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and
within the paper and avoid obvious self-references.

Papers must be submitted by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT - 7 hours), July 30,  2014,
the START conference management system. Please use the following link to

Demo Submission Instructions:

Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should  not
anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to
Lucia Specia ( by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT - 7 hours), July  30,

Workshop Organizers

Sharon O'Brien -- CNGL / Dublin City University
Michel Simard -- National Research Council Canada
Lucia Specia -- University of Sheffield

Program Committee

Nora Aranberri  -- TAUS
Diego Bartolome  -- tauyou <language technology>
Michael Carl  -- Copenhagen Business School
Francisco Casacuberta  -- Universitat Politècnica de València
Stephen Doherty  -- University of Western Sydney
Andreas Eisele  -- European Commission
Marcello Federico  -- FBK-IRST
Mikel L. Forcada  -- Universitat d’Alacant
Philipp Koehn  -- University of Edinburgh
Roland Kuhn  -- National Research Council Canada
Isabel     Lacruz -- Kent State University
Alon Lavie  -- Carnegie Mellon University
Elliott Macklovitch  -- Translation Bureau Canada
Daniel Marcu  -- SDL / USC / ISI
Joss Moorkens -- CNGL / Dublin City University
John Moran  -- Transpiral Translation Services
Kristen Parton  -- Columbia University
Johann Roturier  -- Symantec
Midori Tatsumi  -- Independent Researcher/Lecturer
Andy Way  -- CNGL / Dublin City University
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