I am trying to use Moses Incremental Retraining as described in

I have two doubts:

1. I am able to generate the new-alignment-file  using additional data on
top of previously used data. Once the new alignment file is generated, the
page says to update the model.  I am unable to understand how to use the
same during decoding? Can you please help me to understand how can I
proceed once my new-allignment file is generated?

2. What is happening when we are updating the moses.ini file using

 PhraseDictionaryDynSuffixArray source=<path-to-source-corpus>
target=<path-to-target-corpus> alignment=<path-to-alignments>

 I am unable to see any reference to this updated moses.ini file in the
rest of the section.

Thanks and regards,
Sandipan Dandapat
Postdoctoral Researcher
CNGL, School of Computing
Dublin City University
Google Scholar Profile:
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