
I’m trying to build a hierarchical model using the same (cleaned) data 
that I have used successfully to build a phrase model and I keep getting 
the following error:

ERROR: Lexical reordering scoring failed at 
/home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl line 1776.

The command I used was:

nohup nice ~/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl 
-root-dir train -corpus ~/data/tok/base.clean -f fr -e en -alignment 
grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm 
0:3:$HOME/data/lm/base.blm.en:8 -external-bin-dir ~/tools/trainingtools 
-hierarchical -glue-grammar -max-phrase-length 5 >& training.out &

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


/home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/generic/score-parallel.perl 1 
"sort    " /home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/../bin/score 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.half.e2f.gz --Inverse 
--Hierarchical 1
/home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/generic/score-parallel.perl 1 
"sort    " /home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/../bin/score 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.half.e2f.gz --Inverse 
--Hierarchical 1
Started Sun Jan  4 12:55:12 2015
ln -s /home/ubuntu/working/train/model/extract.inv.sorted.gz 
--Inverse --Hierarchical  2>> /dev/stderr
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/tmp.25446/run.0.shgunzip -c 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/tmp.25446/phrase-table.half.*.gz 2>> 
/dev/stderr| LC_ALL=C sort     -T 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/tmp.25446  | gzip -c > 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.half.e2f.gz  2>> /dev/stderr 
rm -rf /home/ubuntu/working/train/model/tmp.25446
Finished Sun Jan  4 13:15:56 2015
(6.6) consolidating the two halves @ Sun Jan  4 13:15:56 UTC 2015
Executing: /home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/../bin/consolidate 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.half.e2f.gz /dev/stdout 
--Hierarchical | gzip -c > /home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.gz
Consolidate v2.0 written by Philipp Koehn
consolidating direct and indirect rule tables
processing hierarchical rules
Executing: rm -f /home/ubuntu/working/train/model/rule-table.half.*
(7) learn reordering model @ Sun Jan  4 13:25:58 UTC 2015
(7.1) [no factors] learn reordering model @ Sun Jan  4 13:25:58 UTC 2015
(7.2) building tables @ Sun Jan  4 13:25:58 UTC 2015
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/extract.o.sorted.gz 0.5 
/home/ubuntu/working/train/model/reordering-table. --model "wbe msd 
Lexical Reordering Scorer
scores lexical reordering models of several types (hierarchical, 
phrase-based and word-based-extraction
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::ErrnoException'
   what():  util/file.cc:68 in int util::OpenReadOrThrow(const char*) 
threw ErrnoException because `-1 == (ret = open(name, 00))'.
No such file or directory while opening 
Aborted (core dumped)
Exit code: 134
ERROR: Lexical reordering scoring failed at 
/home/ubuntu/tools/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl line 1776.
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