
I am using some of the functions from Eigen library in a feature. If I want
to compile moses with eigen headers, so I am modifying the Jamfile but I
cannot make it work.. not familiar with it..
I did everything same as it is done for DLIB.

In moses/Jamfile I inserted this code after the dlib snippet.

with-eigen = [ option.get "with-eigen" ] ;
if $(with-eigen) {
  eigen = <include>$(with-eigen) ;
} else {
  eigen = ;


alias headers : ../util//kenutil $(classifier) : : : $(max-factors) $(dlib)
$(oxlm) $(eigen);

This gives me error when I compile :

./bjam --with-tcmalloc=/hltsrv1/software/GPERFTOOLS/gperftools-2.1
--with-eigen=/hltsrv0/prashant/MyInstallation/Eigen -j8 -a
Tip: install tcmalloc for faster threading.  See BUILD-INSTRUCTIONS.txt for
more information.
mkdir: cannot create directory `bin': File exists
moses/Jamfile:34: in modules.load
*** argument error
* rule alias ( name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
usage-requirements * )
* called with: ( headers : ../util//kenutil :  :  :
<include>/hltsrv0/prashant/MyInstallation/Eigen; alias ThreadPool :
ThreadPool.cpp )
* extra argument ThreadPool.cpp
definition of rule 'alias' being called
in load-jamfile
in load
in project.find
in find-really
in find
in targets-to-build
in class@project-target.generate
in load
./jam-files/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam:283: in import
./jam-files/boost-build/kernel/bootstrap.jam:142: in boost-build
./jam-files/boost-build/boost-build.jam:8: in module scope

what can be the problem?

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