Hi All,
i'm trying to build a translation model using moses, and to do that i'm
using 2 corpora (europarl and the news commentary corpus provided in the
manual) but when i reached the corpus preparation step i noticed the
following problem: in the prepared europarl files i find that the
apostrophe (') and the quotation marks are replaced respectively with
(') and (") but in the second corpus they're still unchanged.
can anyone please tell me why?? is it a problem with the files encoding (i
checked and they're both utf8)?? or is it another problem that i don't know

Thanks in advance.

BOUMERDAS Abdelfetah
5ème Année Option Systèmes Informatiques (SIQ)
Ecole nationale Supérieure d'Informatique ESI (ex INI)
BP 68 M Oued Smar 16309 - ALGER
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