Hi Kwame
The --server switch was introduced post v3, so you would have to use
current master if you want to go down that route. However you will still
hit the xmlrpc issues.
made soft links from the so.8 libs to so.7 so that mosesserver can
load the library (figuring that the functionality/interface was the same).
Probably there's a reason for the version number change from 7 to 8, and
you've just hit the incompatibility. Make sure you build and run against
the same version of xmlrpc-c - we're using 1.16.33 which is probably
old, but works.
cheers - Barry
On 06/05/15 19:59, kwame porter robinson wrote:
I am attempting to use the binary release 3 moses as a service. Recent
discussion indicates that mosesserver is depreciated and that moses
--server should be used instead. However, running 'moses --server
--server-port 1234 -f phrase-model/moses.ini' complains about illegal
So I looked at mosseserver. It complains about libxmlrpc libraries
(*.so.7) not being found. So I installed the libxmlrpc-c++ package
(1.33.06) and made soft links from the so.8 libs to so.7 so that
mosesserver can load the library (figuring that the
functionality/interface was the same).
However, moseserver seg faults, when called with 'mosesserver
--server-port 1234 -f phrase-model/moses.ini'. Does anyone know
where/how to get libxmlrpc libraries required by moses release 3.0 or
otherwise make moses as a service w/o having to re-build it? I'm using
Ubunut 14.04.
If all else fails I can use moses' stdio but I was hoping to get this
working. Thank you for your time.
- Kwame
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