On 21/07/15 14:51, Oren wrote:
I am using the in-memory mode, using about 50GB of RAM. (No swap issues as far as I can tell.) Could that cause issues?

Yes, swapping would definitely cause issues - was that your question?

I looked at the commit you linked to, but it doesn't seem to be something configurable beyond the -threads switch. Am I missing something?

The commit enables you to set the maximum number of connections to be the same as the maximum number of threads.

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Barry Haddow <bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk <mailto:bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>> wrote:

    Hi Oren

    Does your host have 18 threads available? It could also be that
    xmlrpc-c is limiting the number of connections - this can now be

    Slowdowns in Moses are often caused by disk access bottlenecks.
    You can use --minphr-memory and --minlexr-memory to make sure that
    the phrase and reordering tables are loaded in to memory, rather
    than being access on-demand. Make sure your host has enough RAM
    and is not swapping. As I mentioned before there are various ways
    to make your models smaller
    (http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Advanced.RuleTables), which can
    make a big difference to speed depending on your setup.

    cheers - Barry

    On 21/07/15 09:30, Oren wrote:
    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I added the switch "-threads 18" to the command to raise moses
    server. The slowness issue persists but in a different form. Most
    requests return right away, even under heavy load, but some
    requests (about 5%) take far longer - about 15-20seconds.

    Perhaps there are other relevant switches?

    Thanks again.

    On Monday, July 20, 2015, Barry Haddow
    <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk');>> wrote:

        Hi Oren

        The threading model is different. In v1, the server created a
        new thread for every request, v3 uses a thread pool. Try
        increasing the number of threads.

        Also, make sure you use the compact phrase table and KenLM as
        they are normally faster, and pre-pruning your phrase table
        can help,

        cheers - Barry

        On 20/07/15 12:01, Oren wrote:
        Hi all,

        We are in the process of migrating from Moses 1 to Moses 3.
        We have noticed a significant slowdown when sending many
        requests at once to Moses Server. The first request will
        actually finish about 25% faster that a single request using
        Moses 1, but as more requests accumulate there is a marked
        slowdown, until requests take 5 times longer or more.

        Is this a known issue? Is it specific to Moses Server? What
        can we do about it?



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