Hi Vincent

> 2 bugs report :
> in the LM Corpus definition for Europarl : the $pair-extension is
> missing before .$output-extension
> in the step 5 (maybe for others too) generation of the moses.tuned.ini.5
> file there is a missing ".gz" at the end of phrase-table.5
> in the PhraseDictionaryMemory definition.
These seem OK to me. For europarl, it points to the monolingual corpus, 
and for the phrase table the .gz is implicitly added. Did they not work 
for you?

> in my working directory I have 2 subdir,
> "tuning" with inside moses.filtered.ini.5  moses.ini.5 moses.tuned.ini.5
> and
> "model" with inside moses.ini.5 (apparently this one does not have the
> tuned weights)
> those in the tuning subdir : the "tuned" one moses.tuned.ini.5 generated
> after the moses.ini.5 seems to point on phrase-table.5.gz not binarized
> and the moses.5.ini seem to point on the binarized within
> tuning/filtered.5/...
> unclear to me on which one I should use.
If you run EMS, there will be a filtered ini file inside the evaluation 
directory which can be used to translate the test set using the tuned 
weights. However this model is filtered for the test set, so you cannot 
use it on other sentences.

If you want the full model binarised, then you should add:

binarize-all = $moses-script-dir/training/binarize-model.perl

to the [GENERAL] section of the EMS config and rerun EMS. In this case 
the moses.tuned.ini in tuning can be used to translate any sentences.

> I tried to remove the "IGNORE" for the Interpolated-LM section
> I am still using KenLM.
> BUT I get a message saying I need to define srilm-dir
> is SRILM mandatory to turn on the interpolated-lm with KenLM only ?
That's right, the interpolated LM uses some code from SRILM. You can 
still use KenLM to create the individual language models, and use KenLM 
during decoding,

cheers - Barry

On 26/07/15 08:36, Vincent Nguyen wrote:
> Hi,
> I worked with the config.basic file
> 2 bugs report :
> in the LM Corpus definition for Europarl : the $pair-extension is
> missing before .$output-extension
> in the step 5 (maybe for others too) generation of the moses.tuned.ini.5
> file there is a missing ".gz" at the end of phrase-table.5
> in the PhraseDictionaryMemory definition.
> Then questions :
> in my working directory I have 2 subdir,
> "tuning" with inside moses.filtered.ini.5  moses.ini.5 moses.tuned.ini.5
> and
> "model" with inside moses.ini.5 (apparently this one does not have the
> tuned weights)
> those in the tuning subdir : the "tuned" one moses.tuned.ini.5 generated
> after the moses.ini.5 seems to point on phrase-table.5.gz not binarized
> and the moses.5.ini seem to point on the binarized within
> tuning/filtered.5/...
> unclear to me on which one I should use.
> Last question :
> I tried to remove the "IGNORE" for the Interpolated-LM section
> I am still using KenLM.
> BUT I get a message saying I need to define srilm-dir
> is SRILM mandatory to turn on the interpolated-lm with KenLM only ?
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