Hi all,

in order to facilitate easy setup and building of Moses, I have added the


Run with make like this:

make -f contrib/Makefiles/install-dependencies.gmake

This will install boost, xmlrpc-c, cmph, and irstlm in ./opt.

Regression tests are now a submodule in the mosesdecoder repo.

To perform a standard compile, just run ./compile.sh [addtional options]
To compile and run regression tests, run ./run-regtests.sh [additional

This assumes a recent standard linux setup with the usual build tools and
wget to get tarballs from sourceforge. If you think different or share your
Office with a paperclip, you are on your own.

So on linux (set up for development with gcc, git, wget, etc), you can now
get a working moses with these easy steps:

git clone http://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder moses
cd moses
make -f contrib/Makefiles/install-dependencies.gmake

- Uli

Ulrich Germann
Senior Researcher
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
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