Hi Davood

The first command you give has a quote missing at the end - is this correct?

Another difference is that you have "-v 0", so moses will run silently.

What was the actual output when you ran this command? What you have below looks correct to me.

cheers - Barry

On 28/10/15 21:57, Davood Mohammadifar wrote:
Hello everyone

because of variations in BLEU score when using normal mert, i decided to use mira instead. Moses manual (updated on 28 October 2015) says me to use this command:

$MOSES_SCRIPTS/training/mert-moses.pl work/dev.fr work/dev.en $MOSES_BIN/moses work/model/moses.ini --mertdir $MOSES_BIN --rootdir $MOSES_SCRIPTS --batch-mira --return-best-dev --batch-mira-args '-J 300' --decoder-flags '-threads 8 -v 0

but this command is not work for me. When i execute the command, i just see some options for it and nothing happens. So i wanted to change the command. Based on usual mert, i changed the command to this:

$MOSES_SCRIPTS/training/mert-moses.pl /home/mohammadifar/corpus/tune.true.fa /home/mohammadifar/corpus/tune.true.en $MOSES_BIN/moses /home/mohammadifar/First/train/model/moses.ini --mertdir $MOSES_BIN--rootdir $MOSES_SCRIPTS --batch-mira --return-best-dev --batch-mira-args="-J 300" --decoder-flags="-threads all"

the difference of two command is in the end. The latter works for me very good. BLEU variations in test-set are very slight (many times <0.1 and rarely about 0.2 in 3 times running the whole of translation commands for same dataset). So i want to be sure, Is the form of using mira correct? (Moses v3.0)


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