I'd say you didn't install cmph or compile against it, look again at:


On 18.12.2015 15:15, Andrew wrote:
> I'm following the baseline system page step-by-step as it says.
> I've binarized the phrase table and reordering table using 
> processPhraseTableMin and processLexicalTableMin,
> edited the moses.ini as written,
> but upon executing, it gives an exception with 
> "PhraseDictionaryCompact is not registered" message.
> I've done some googling, and tried running processLexicalTable 
> (without "Min") to no good,
> and also tried editing as PhraseDictionaryBinary, PhraseDictionaryOnDisk,
> which succeeded in running the task, but gets aborted upon writing the 
> input sentence.
> Is there be any other workaround / fix to this?
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