Thanks for the quick reply.

Adding the pyconfig.h file to my classpath seems to have solved the
problem; running b2 doesn't throw any errors and I am no longer getting
errors about missing pyconfig.h.

But I'm still getting errors with Moses. I used this
command: /usr/local/bin/bjam

Thanks again!

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Hieu Hoang <> wrote:

> ps. it looks like your boost compiled failed
> On 19/01/16 18:59, Hieu Hoang wrote:
> I built on Yosemite ok a few months ago.
> If anyone has a copy of El Capitan I can download please let me know. I
> installed linux on my macbook and forgot to grab a copy
> Hieu Hoang
> On 19 January 2016 at 18:55, Jake Ballinger <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to build Moses on OS X El Capitan and I can't seem to get it
>> right. I've attached my build log, and the last command I used was: ./bjam
>> toolset=clang
>> --with-boost=~/Users/ballingerj/cscomp-ballingerj/mosesdecoder/build/boost/boost_1_59_0/tools/build/.
>> I think the problem has to with the Darwin on El Capitan, but I cannot
>> say so for sure.
>> Thank you!
>> --
>> Jake Ballinger
>> Major: Computer Science
>> Minors: Chinese, French, Spanish, & Math
>> 443-974-6184
>> <>
>> Box 582
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moses-support mailing list
> --
> Hieu Hoang

Jake Ballinger
Major: Computer Science
Minors: Chinese, French, Spanish, & Math
Box 582

Attachment: build.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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