
When I run command-line Moses, I get the output below - i.e. no best 
translation. The server crashes for me since it does not check for the 
null pointer, but the command-line version does.

I think there should be a translation for this example.

cheers - Barry

[gna]bhaddow: echo 'dies ist ein haus' | ~/moses.new/bin/moses  -f 
Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
         config: string-to-tree/moses.ini
         cube-pruning-pop-limit: 1000
         feature: KENLM name=LM factor=0 order=3 num-features=1 
path=lm/europarl.srilm.gz WordPenalty UnknownWordPenalty 
PhraseDictionaryMemory input-factor=0 output-factor=0 
path=string-to-tree/rule-table num-features=1 table-limit=20
         input-factors: 0
         inputtype: 3
         mapping: 0 T 0
         max-chart-span: 20 1000
         non-terminals: X S
         search-algorithm: 3
         translation-details: translation-details.log
         weight: WordPenalty0= 0 LM= 0.5 PhraseDictionaryMemory0= 0.5
line=KENLM name=LM factor=0 order=3 num-features=1 path=lm/europarl.srilm.gz
Loading the LM will be faster if you build a binary file.
Reading lm/europarl.srilm.gz
**The ARPA file is missing <unk>.  Substituting log10 probability -100.000.
FeatureFunction: LM start: 0 end: 0
FeatureFunction: WordPenalty0 start: 1 end: 1
FeatureFunction: UnknownWordPenalty0 start: 2 end: 2
line=PhraseDictionaryMemory input-factor=0 output-factor=0 
path=string-to-tree/rule-table num-features=1 table-limit=20
FeatureFunction: PhraseDictionaryMemory0 start: 3 end: 3
Loading LM
Loading WordPenalty0
Loading UnknownWordPenalty0
Loading PhraseDictionaryMemory0
Start loading text phrase table. Moses format : [3.038] seconds
Reading string-to-tree/rule-table
max-chart-span: 20
Created input-output object : [3.041] seconds
Line 0: Initialize search took 0.000 seconds total
Translating: <s> dies ist ein haus </s>  ||| [0,0]=X (1) [0,1]=X (1) 
[0,2]=X (1) [0,3]=X (1) [0,4]=X (1) [0,5]=X (1) [1,1]=X (1) [1,2]=X (1) 
[1,3]=X (1) [1,4]=X (1) [1,5]=X (1) [2,2]=X (1) [2,3]=X (1) [2,4]=X (1) 
[2,5]=X (1) [3,3]=X (1) [3,4]=X (1) [3,5]=X (1) [4,4]=X (1) [4,5]=X (1) 
[5,5]=X (1)

   0   1   2   3   4   5
   0   1   2   2   1   0
     0   0   0   2   0
       0   0   4   0
         0   0   0
           0   0
Line 0: Additional reporting took 0.000 seconds total
Line 0: Translation took 0.002 seconds total
Translation took 0.000 seconds
Name:moses      VmPeak:74024 kB VmRSS:11084 kB  RSSMax:36832 kB 
user:2.972      sys:0.048       CPU:3.020       real:3.058

On 29/01/16 00:40, Hieu Hoang wrote:
> If it works ok on the command line but crashes when using the server,
> then that suggest a server issue.
> I don't know much about the server code, to be honest.

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