I am developing a MT system for English to Konkani and my corpus has POS
tags to each word. I am using the same config file from statmt.org website
and after doing necessary changes in it, i run this command:

nohup nice /usr/local/bin/smt/mosesdecoder-3.0/scripts/ems/experiment.perl
-config config.en-kn -exec  &> log &

But then when i check log file, i see this error:

number of steps doable or running: 1 at Tue Feb  2 19:11:28 IST 2016
        doable: CORPUS:train1:get-corpus
via sh (1 active)
step CORPUS:train1:get-corpus crashed
number of steps doable or running: 0 at Tue Feb  2 19:11:35 IST 2016

Please tell me how to remove this error and run my system successfully.



Ms. Sunayana R. Gawde.

DCST, Goa University.
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