On 2016-03-05 19:58, Ayah ElMaghraby wrote:

> nohup nice ~/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl
> --target-syntax -root-dir train -corpus ~/Documents/trainData/mosesTree
> -f en -e ar -hierarchical -glue-grammar -max-phrase-length 5
> --score-options="--GoodTuring" -lm
> 0:3:/home/ayah/Documents/lm/truecase.en-ar.blm.ar:8 -external-bin-dir
> ~/mosesdecoder/tools/mgizapp -mgiza -mgiza-cpus 2 -snt2cooc snt2cooc.pl
> -parallel -sort-batch-size 253 -sort-compress gzip --giza-option
> m1=5,m2=2,mh=0,m3=3,m4=3 > training.out

As far as I can tell, not understanding much of this code, the error
means that there's an invalid field in one of the alignment files.

The code expects each field in there to be two values, for source/target
language, separated by a dash.  And it's finding a field where that dash
is missing.  Did the file get truncated, e.g. because of a full disk?

(I honestly don't know what I'm talking about here, but this little bit
might help someone else find the problem more easily...)

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