
I am trying to specify reordering constraints with the <zone> tag and it
does not work as I would expect. The output corresponding to an input
sentence I translated from English to Spanish is as follows:

input: <zone> My favourite </zone> hotel in Cologne
output: mi |0-0| hotel favorito |1-2| en Colonia |3-4|

I understand a "zone" as a sequence to be translated as a block, with no
reordering with outside material. According to this, the translation of "My
favourite" should be contiguous. Here it is not the case since the
translation of "hotel" is inserted between "mi" and "favorito".

Actually even with the <wall/> tag I obtain the same output:
input: My favourite <wall/> hotel in Cologne
output: mi |0-0| hotel favorito |1-2| en Colonia |3-4|

The command I use is the following one:
moses -search-algorithm 1 -cube-pruning-pop-limit 5000 -s 5000 -t
-text-type "test" -v 0 -f filtered.ini -xml-input exclusive < input

Do I do something wrong or did I misunderstand what <zone> and <wall/>




*Patrik Lambert*

NLP Researcher
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