On 05/04/2016 19:24, Shani Shalgi wrote:


In the instructions on how to use the trained models from release-3, it is specified in the last step to:

"Tokenize and lower case your input, translate with the decoder, then recase and detokenize your output." (This should only be the case in case the models were trained after recasing, not if using truecasing, am I right?
And I'm also assuming that we can know if the model used a recaser - from the steps folder?)
correct. Look in
That will tell you whether the data was truecased or recased.

Note - the tokenizer, like all of the moses code, is occasionally updated by developers and researchers. Therefore, the premade model may be tokenized slightly differently than if you are using a current moses version.

I am trying to recase my data, according to the instructions on http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.SupportTools#ntoc10.
 However, recase.perl only reads from a file and outputs to a file.
recase.perl --in IN --model MODEL/moses.ini --moses MOSES > OUT

I'm running the moseserver, and would like to output recased data after translation. How can I do this without having to write my translated text into a file and read the output from a file? (One way I guess would be to modify the perl script but I don't know perl).

this might work:
   ./recase.perl --in /dev/stdin --model MODEL/moses MOSES > OUT

Masy thanks in advance,

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