Dear all MT researchers/users,

I'm Toshiaki Nakazawa from JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency),
Japan. This is the last call for papers of the 3rd Workshop on Asian
Translation (WAT2016) as a workshop of Coling2016. The deadline for
research paper submission is ***September 25***.

Best regards,

                       WAT 2016
       (The 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation)
           in conjunction with COLING 2016
           December 12, 2016, Osaka, Japan

Following the success of the previous Workshops on Asian Translation
(WAT 2014 and WAT 2015), WAT 2016 will bring together machine
translation researchers and users to try, evaluate, share and discuss
brand-new ideas of machine translation. We are working toward the
practical use of machine translation among all Asian countries.

WAT 2016 invites researchers to submit their original work on machine
translation, especially for Asian languages. The scope covers studies
and reports on theories, techniques, and resources to improve the
machines translation. All submitted research papers will be examined
under a double-blind peer-reviewing to decide if they will appear at
the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Word-/phrase-/syntax-/semantics-/rule-based, neural and hybrids machine 
- Asian language processing
- Incorporating linguistic information into machine translation
- Decoding algorithms
- System combination
- Error analysis
- Manual and automatic machine translation evaluation
- Machine translation applications
- Quality estimation
- Domain adaptation
- Machine translation for low resource languages
- Language resources


August 19     Crowdsourcing evaluation due
September 25  System description draft and research paper due
October 16    System description draft Review feedback
October 16    Research paper acceptance notification
October 30    System description and research paper camera-ready paper due
December 12   WAT 2016


Toshiaki Nakazawa, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan
Hideya Mino, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
(NICT), Japan
Chenchen Ding, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
(NICT), Japan
Isao Goto, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan
Graham Neubig, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
Sadao Kurohashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Ir. Hammam Riza, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology 
(BPPT), Indonesia
Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT), India

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