Hi All,

I’m trying to do syntax-based constrained decoding on the same data from which 
I extracted my rules, and I’m getting very low coverage (~12%). I’m using GHKM 
rule extraction which in theory should be able to reconstruct the target 
translation even only with minimal rules.

Judging from the search graph output, the decoder seems to prune out rules with 
very low scores, even if they are the only rule that can reconstruct the 
original reference.

I’m curious if there is a way in the current constrained decoding 
implementation such that I can disable pruning? Or at least, if it is feasible 
to do so?


Shuoyang Ding

Ph.D. Student
Center for Language and Speech Processing
Department of Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University

Hackerman Hall 225A
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218


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