Apologies for multiple postings]
See you at Hilton Austin hotel on November 1st ..
EMNLP 2016 Second Workshop on
Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code Switching
Hilton Austin hotel, Austin, Texas, USA
November 1st, 2016

Code-switching (CS) is the phenomenon by which multilingual speakers switch
back and forth between their common languages in written or spoken
communication. CS is typically present on the inter sentential, intra
sentential (mixing of words from multiple languages in the same utterance)
and even morphological (mixing of morphemes) levels. CS presents serious
challenges for language technologies, including parsing, Machine
Translation (MT), automatic speech recognition (ASR), information retrieval
(IR) and extraction (IE), and semantic processing. Traditional techniques
trained for one language quickly break down when there is input mixed in
from another. Even for problems that are considered solved, such as
language identification, or part of speech tagging, performance will
degrade at a rate proportional to the amount and level of mixed-language

CS is pervasive in informal text communications such as news groups,
tweets, blogs, and other social media of multilingual communities. Such
genres are increasingly being studied as rich sources of social, commercial
and political information. Apart from the informal genre challenge
associated with such data within a single language processing scenario, the
CS phenomenon adds another significant layer of complexity to the
processing of the data. Efficiently and robustly processing CS data
presents a new frontier for our NLP algorithms on all levels. This workshop
aims to bring together researchers interested in solving the problem and to
increase awareness of the community at large with possible viable solutions
to reduce the complexity of the phenomenon.

The workshop invites contributions from researchers working in NLP
approaches for the analysis and/processing of mixed-language data
especially with a focus on intra sentential code switching.
Invited Speakers

*Monojit Choudhury* <http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/monojitc/>

*Bio:* Monojit Choudhury is a Researcher at Microsoft Research Lab India.
Prior to this, he did his PhD (2007) and B.Tech (2002), both in Computer
Science and Engineering, from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. His
research interests include NLP for low resource languages, technologies for
multilingual communities, and computational approaches to linguistics,
sociolinguistics, evolutionary linguistics and cognition. Monojit is very
actively involved with the organization of the International Linguistics
Olympiad http://www.ioling.org and its Indian national counterpart – the
Panini Linguistics Olympiad http://plo-in.org – programs that try to
attract the brightest high school kids to linguistics and NLP through
challenging yet interesting and thought-provoking puzzles.

*Kalika Bali <http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/kalikab/>*

*Bio:* Kalika Bali is a Researcher at Microsoft Research Lab India. A
linguist and an acoustic phonetician by training, she has worked for the
last 15 years in the area of Speech and Language Technology, especially for
resource poor languages. Her brief stint as a lecturer in the University of
the South Pacific, Fiji, has left her with a lasting interest in how
technology can be used to enhance and further education and some of her
current research lies at the intersection of ICT and Education, for primary
school students to Adults learning new skills. The primary focus of her
research is on how Natural Language systems can help Human-Computer
Interaction, including computer-mediated interaction, in the domain of
education and social media.
Workshop Program

*Tuesday, November 1, 2016*
*Session1: Opening Session*
08:45 - 09:00    *Remarks*
09:00 - 10:00    *Speakers*

 Monojit Choudhury, Kalika Bali

10:00 - 10:30    *Challenges of Computational Processing of Code-Switching*

 Özlem Çetino˘glu, Sarah Schulz and Ngoc Thang Vu

10:30 - 11:00    *Coffee Break*
*Session2: Workshop Talks*
11:00 - 11:30    *Simple Tools for Exploring Variation in Code-switching
for Linguists*

Gualberto A. Guzman, Jacqueline Serigos, Barbara E. Bullock and
   Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

11:30 - 12:00

*Word-Level Language Identification and Predicting Codeswitching Points in
Swahili-English Language Data*

Mario Piergallini, Rouzbeh Shirvani, Gauri S. Gautam and Mohamed

12:00 - 12:30    *Part of Speech Tagging for Code Switched Data*

Fahad AlGhamdi, Giovanni Molina, Mona Diab, Thamar Solorio,
   Abdelati Hawwari, Victor Soto and Julia Hirschberg

12:30 - 14:00    *Lunch*
*Session3: Shared Task*
14:00 - 14:30

*Task Overview results/ 1 min poster boosters.Overview for the Second
Shared Task on Language Identification in Code-Switched Data.*

Giovanni Molina, Fahad AlGhamdi, Mahmoud Ghoneim,
    Abdelati Hawwari, Nicolas Rey-Villamizar, Mona Diab
    and Thamar Solorio

14:30 - 15:00

*Multilingual Code-switching Identification via LSTM Recurrent Neural

Younes Samih, Suraj Maharjan, Mohammed Attia,
    Laura Kallmeyer and Thamar Solorio

15:00 - 15:30

*A Neural Model for Language Identification in Code-Switched Tweets*

Aaron Jaech, George Mulcaire, Mari Ostendorf and
    Noah A. Smith

15:30 - 16:00    *Coffee Break*
*Session 4: Panel Discussion and Poster Session*
16:00 - 16:45    *Panel Discussion*
16:45 - 18:00    *Poster Session*
*SAWT: Sequence Annotation Web Tool*

Younes Samih, Wolfgang Maier and Laura Kallmeyer

*Accurate Pinyin-English Codeswitched Language Identification*

Meng Xuan Xia and Jackie Chi Kit Cheung

*Unraveling the English-Bengali Code-Mixing Phenomenon*

Arunavha Chanda, Dipankar Das and Chandan Mazumdar

*Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-Mixed Social Media Text*

Souvick Ghosh, Satanu Ghosh and Dipankar Das

*Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-mixed Social Media Content: Pipeline,
Stacking and Joint Modelling*Utsab Barman, Joachim Wagner and Jennifer

*The George Washington University System for the Code-Switching Workshop
Shared Task 2016*

Mohamed Al-Badrashiny and Mona Diab

*Columbia-Jadavpur submission for EMNLP 2016 Code-Switching Workshop Shared
Task: System description*

Arunavha Chanda, Dipankar Das and Chandan Mazumdar

*The Howard University System Submission for the Shared Task in Language
Identification in Spanish-English Codeswitching *

Rouzbeh Shirvani, Mario Piergallini, Gauri Shankar Gautam and
             Mohamed Chouikha

*Codeswitching Detection via Lexical Features in Conditional Random Fields *

Prajwol Shrestha

*Language Identification in Code-Switched Text Using Conditional Random
Fields and Babelnet *

Utpal Kumar Sikdar and Björn Gambäck

*Codeswitching language identification using Subword Information Enriched
Word *

Meng Xuan Xia

Organizing Committee

   - Mona Diab <https://www.seas.gwu.edu/~mtdiab/>
   - Associate Professor
   - Department of Computer Science
   - George Washington University
   - mtd...@email.gwu.edu

   - Pascale Fung <http://www.ece.ust.hk/~pascale/>
   - Professor
   - Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
   - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
   - pasc...@ece.ust.hk

   - Mahmoud Ghoneim <http://www.ghoneim.net/>
   - Research Scientist
   - Department of Computer Science
   - George Washington University
   - mghon...@email.gwu.edu

   - Julia Hirschberg <http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~julia/>
   - Professor and Chair
   - Department of Computer Science
   - Columbia University
   - ju...@cs.columbia.edu

   - Thamar Solorio <http://solorio.uh.edu/>
   - Associate Professor
   - Department of Computer Science
   - University of Houston
   - solo...@cs.uh.edu

Program Committee

   - Constantine Lignos  <http://lignos.org/>, University of Pennsylvania
   - Elabbas Benmamoun <http://www.linguistics.illinois.edu/people/benmamou>,
   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
   - Agnes Bolonyia <http://www.ncsu.edu/linguistics/bolonyai.php/>, NC
   State University
   - Cecilia Montes-Alcala
   <http://www.modlangs.gatech.edu/people/faculty/alcala>, Georgia
   Institute of Technology
   - Yves Scherre
   <http://www.latl.unige.ch/personal/yvesscherrer/#default.fr>, Université
   de Genève
   - Björn Gambäck <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   Norwegian Universities of Science and Technology
   - Amitava Das <http://www.amitavadas.com/>, University of North Texas
   - Younes Samih <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   Dusseldorf University
   - David Vilares <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   Universidade da Coruña
   - Sunayana Sitaram <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   Microsoft Research India
   - Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
   <https://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/llilas/faculty/ajt95>, University of
   Texas at Austin
   - Fahad AlGhamdi <http://student.seas.gwu.edu/~fghamdi/>, The George
   Washington University
   - Giovanni Molina Ramos <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   University of Houston
   - Nicolas Rey Villamizar <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>,
   University of Houston
   - Victor Soto <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>, Columbia
   - Borja Navarro Colorado <http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~borja/>, Universidad de
   - Rabih Zbib <http://www.linguistics.illinois.edu/people/rbhatt>, BBN
   - Barbara Bullock
   University of Texas at Austin

Publications & Shared Task Chairs

   - Fahad AlGhamdi <http://student.seas.gwu.edu/~fghamdi/>
   The George Washington University
   - Mahmoud Ghoneim <http://www.ghoneim.net/>
   The George Washington University
   - Giovanni Molina Ramos <http://care4lang1.seas.gwu.edu/cs2/call.html>
   University of Houston

Mahmoud Ghoneim, PhD
Research Scientist
Computer Science Department
School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
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