SLATE 2017 - Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies ( 26th - 27th June 2017 Media Arts and Design Superior School – Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal)

Important dates:

Full papers  * Paper Submission: March 5, 2017
 * Paper Authors' Notification: April 23, 2017
 * Final Paper Submission: May 21, 2017

Short Papers  * Paper Submission: April 30, 2017
 * Paper Authors' Notification: May 14, 2017
 * Final Paper Submission: May 21, 2017

Other Dates * Accepted Paper's Author's Registration Deadline: May 31, 2017
 * Conference: June 26 and 27, 2017

We often use languages. First, to communicate between ourselves. Later, to communicate with computers. And more recently, with the advent of networks, we found a way to make computers communicate between themselves. All these different forms of communication use languages, different languages, but that still share many similarities. In SLATE we are interested in discussing these languages. Being languages such a broad subject, SLATE is organized in three main tracks:

1) HCL Track: Processing Human-Computer Languages The HCL track is where researchers, developers and educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications. 2) CCL Track: Processing Computer-Computer Languages The CCL track main goal is to provide a broad space for discussion about the XML mark-up language: examples of usage and associated technologies. 3) HHL Track: Processing Human-Human Languages The HHL track is dedicated to the discussion of research projects and ideas involving natural language processing and their industrial application.

A detailed topic list for each one of these tracks is presented below.

HCL Track: Processing Human-Computer Languages
* Programming language concepts, methodologies and tools; * Language and Grammars, design, formal specification and quality; * Design of novel language constructs and their implementation; * Domain Specific Languages design and implementation; * Programming, refactoring and debugging environments; * Dynamic and static analysis: Program Slicing; * Program Comprehension; * Compilation and interpretation techniques; * Code generation and optimization; * Program visualization and animation; * Programming languages teaching methods; * Languages for modeling; * Dynamic languages; * Programmer profiling; * Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (modelware, grammarware, ontologies, etc).

CCL Track: Processing Computer-Computer Languages
* IoT data protocols; * Semantic data description frameworks; * Semantic Web languages; * Ontology engineering; * XML Databases and Big Data; * Publishing and document storage formats; * HTML5 and web formatting; * Industry specific XML based standards; * Web APIs and service marketplaces; * Service Oriented Architectures; * E-learning systems, standards and interoperability; * Data and graph visualization languages.

HHL Track: Processing Human-Human Languages
* Computational morphology, syntax and semantics; * Machine translation and tools for computer assisted translation; * Computational terminology and lexicography; * Speech synthesis and understanding; * Information retrieval, extraction and automatic question answering; * Corpora linguistics; * NLP system and resource evaluation; * Public tools and resources for NLP; * Ontologies and knowledge representation; * Statistical Methods applied to NLP; * Language teaching support tools.

SLATE Publication Policy

Paper types:
* Full papers - 8 to 14 pages, presented in 20+5 minutes, complete work, including a validation or discussion; * Short papers - 6 to 8 pages, presented in 10+5 minutes, ongoing work, well anchored in the literature, but not yet fully validated; * Lightning talks - no publication, presented in 3 to 5 minutes, research ideas or work that has just started.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and digital support. They will also integrate the OASIcs series: In addition, we are currently envisioning several publication follow-ups for SLATE’17 (more information will be posted later on the conference website). Papers should be written using the OASIcs LaTeX template, using the English language. Please refer to our website ( for details about the document preparation.

Symposium Chairs
* Ricardo Queirós (Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal) * Mário Pinto (Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)

Track chairs
  * Alberto Simões (Universidade do Minho, Portugal - HHL Track)
  * José Paulo Leal (Universidade do Porto, Portugal - CCL Track)
* Maria João Varanda (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal – HCL Track)

Organization Committee
  * Alberto Simões (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
  * José Paulo Leal (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
  * Maria João Varanda (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal)
  * Mário Pinto (Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)
  * Pedro Rangel Henriques (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
  * Ricardo Queirós (Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)

For the full Program Committes please look at the conference homepage.

Updates are regularly posted in the symposium webpage and notified through different social networks (e.g., @slateorg at Twitter; check the symposium webpage for details); Organizers can be contacted using

Mikel L. Forcada
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Office: +34 96 590 9776

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