On 22/12/2016 05:26, WULongski wrote:


I have two questions:


After reading the adding feature section of the Moses(http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.FeatureFunctions), it says "However, new features are usually more complicated. For instance, it requires reading in a file and representing it with a data structure and more complex computations. See moses/LM/SRI.h and moses/LM/SRI.cpp for something more involved."

 while my moses.ini is looking as this:

////////////////////////   moses.ini

PhraseDictionaryCompact name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4 path=/nobackup/f1/asr/wulong/Moses/mosesdecoder/ALLDATApinyin/working/filtered-oneword/phrase-table.0-0.1.1 input-factor=0 output-factor=0 LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6 type=wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff input-factor=0 output-factor=0 path=/nobackup/f1/asr/wulong/Moses/mosesdecoder/ALLDATApinyin/working/filtered-oneword/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.0-0.1
KENLM name=LM0 factor=0 path=/nobackup/f1/asr/wulong/Moses/mosesdecoder/ALLDATApinyin/lm/train.blm.en order=3


the last line is the KENLM , this means that language model estimation is did by the KENLM. But I installed the moses by the way on the Mose website: " Easy Setup on Ubuntu (on other linux systems, you'll need to install packages that provide gcc, make, git, automake, libtool) " in the _http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Development.GetStarted_.

But in the third step of the installing process, it says " 3. Run the following to install a recent version of Boost (the default version on your system might be too old), as well as cmph (for CompactPT), irstlm (language model from FBK, required to pass the regression tests), and xmlrpc-c (for moses server). By default, these will be installed in ./opt in your working directory:make -f contrib/Makefiles/install-dependencies.gmake ". It means that the language model estimation is did by the irstlm .

no - it means IRSTLM available be used in the decoder, but it doesn't have to be used. KENLM is always available

so I am confused why is KENLM in the moses.ini.


"KENLM name=LM0 factor=0 path=/nobackup/f1/asr/wulong/Moses/mosesdecoder/ALLDATApinyin/lm/train.blm.en order=3"

can you explain the parameters of the above line? i know order =3 means 3-gram , path is the arpa table language model .But i do not know the other parameter meaning.

name - the unique name. Must match the name in the [weight] section
factor - which factor the LM will use. 0 if you are not doing factored models

Thank you very much .

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