
TextGraphs-11: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

Workshop at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational 
Linguistics (ACL 2017)

Vancouver, Canada


For the past eleven years, the workshops in the TextGraphs series have 
published and promoted the synergy between the field of Graph Theory 
(GT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The eleventh edition of the 
TextGraphs workshop aims to extend the focus on issues and solutions for 
large-scale graphs, such as those derived for web- scale knowledge 
acquisition or social networks. We plan to encourage the de-scription of 
novel NLP problems or applications that have emerged in recent years, 
which can be addressed with existing and new graph-based methods. 
Furthermore, we will also encourage research on applications of 
graph-based methods in the area of Semantic Web in order to link them to 
related NLP problems and applications.
The target audience comprises researchers working on problems related to 
either Graph Theory or graph-based algorithms applied to Natural 
Language Processing, social media, and the Semantic Web.

In a novel and exciting extension, we will encourage graph-based 
interpretations of deep learning models for NLP tasks. Though deep 
learning models are displaying state-of-the-art performance on many NLP 
tasks, they are often criticized for not being interpretable (due to 
their various layers and large number of parameters). In the 
TextGraphs-11 workshop we will introduce a new challenge for graph-based 
methods: the development of methods for reasoning and interpretation of 
the layers used in deep learning models. Given that a neural network is, 
from one point of view, nothing but a graph through which activation 
scores are propagated, many of the existing graph-based methods used in 
our workshop community could potentially apply. Can a graph-based 
perspective help provide insights for making deep processing 
comprehensible for humans and computers? What are the capabilities and 
limits when graph-based methods are applied to neural networks in 
general? Which aspects of the networks are not susceptible to such 
treatment, and why not?

TextGraphs-11 invites submissions on (but not limited to) the following 
  * Graph-based methods for providing reasoning and interpretation of 
deep learning methods
    * Graph-based methods for reasoning and interpreting deep processing 
by neural networks,
    * Explorations of the capabilities and limits when graph-based 
methods are applied to neural networks,
    * Investigation of which aspects of neural networks are not amenable 
to graph-based methods.
  * Graph-based methods for Information Retrieval, Information 
Extraction, and Text Mining
    * Graph-based methods for word sense disambiguation,
    * Graph-based representations for ontology learning,
    * Graph-based strategies for semantic relations identification,
    * Encoding semantic distances in graphs,
    * Graph-based techniques for text summarization,simplification,and 
    * Graph-based techniques for document navigation and visualization,
    * Reranking with graphs,
    * Applications of label propagation algorithms, etc.
* New graph-based methods for NLP applications, and novel use of 
existing graph methods for new NLP tasks
    * Random walk methods in graphs,
    * Spectral graph clustering,
    * Semi-supervised graph-based methods,
    * Methods and analyses for statistical networks,
    * Small world graphs,
    * Dynamic graph representations,
    * Topological and pre-topological analysis of graphs,
    * Graph kernels, etc.
  * Graph-based methods for applications on social networks
    * Rumor proliferation,
    * E-reputation,
    * Multiple identity detection,
    * Language dynamics studies,
    * Surveillance systems, etc.
  * Graph-based methods for NLP and Semantic Web
    * Representation learning methods for knowledge graphs (e.g., 
knowledge graph embedding),
    * Using graphs-based methods to populate ontologies using textual data,
    * Inducing knowledge of ontologies into NLP applications using graphs,
    * Merging ontologies with graph-based methods using NLP techniques.

All submission deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. PST

Paper submission:               April 21, 2017
Notification of acceptance:       May 19, 2017
Camera-ready submission:          May 26, 2017
Workshop date:             August 3 or 4, 2017

TextGraphs-11 solicits both long and short paper submissions.

Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed 
and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and 
analysis should be included. Long papers may consist of up to eight (8) 
pages of content, plus two pages of references. Final versions of long 
papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) to 
address reviewers’ remarks.

Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. 
Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead 
short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Short 
papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus one page of 
references. Upon acceptance, short papers will also be given one 
additional content page (up to 5 content pages) in the proceedings.

Both long and short paper submissions must follow the two-column format 
of ACL 2017 proceedings. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX 
style files tailored for ACL 2017 conference. Submissions must conform 
to the official style guidelines, which are contained in the style 
files, and they must be in PDF format. Style files and other information 
about paper formatting requirements can be found at the ACL 2017 website.

Submission is electronic, using the SoftConf START conference management 

The Program Committee will select a best paper submitted to 
TextGraphs-11. The authors of the best manuscript will receive the 
valuable Best Paper Award. Both long and short submissions will be taken 
in consideration for the Best Paper Award.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (in alphabetic order)
   * Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
   * Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay, India
   * Chris Biemann, University of Hamburg, Germany
   * Tanmoy Chakraborty, University of Maryland, USA
   * Asif Ekbar, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India
   * Marc Franco Salvador, University of Valencia, Spain
   * Ioana Hulpus, University of Mannheim, Germany
   * Roman Klinger, University of Stuttgart, Germany
   * Nikola Ljubesǐć, University of Zagreb, Croatia
   * Hećtor Martínez Alonso, Inria & University Paris Diderot, France
   * Gabor Melli, VigLink, USA
   * Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan, USA
   * Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento, Italy
   * Animesh Mukherjee, IIT Kharagpur, India
   * Vivi Nastase, Heidelberg University, Germany
   * Roberto Navigli, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy
   * Alexander Panchenko, University of Hamburg, Germany
   * Simone Paolo Ponzetto, University of Mannheim, Germany
   * Steffen Remus, University of Hamburg, Germany
   * Stephan Roller, UT Austin, USA
   * Shourya Roy, Xerox Research, India
   * Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
   * Jan Sňajder, University of Zagreb, Croatia
   * Aline Villavicencio, F. University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
   * Ivan Vulić, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
   * Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, “Tor vergata” University of Rome, Italy
Martin Riedl, University of Hamburg

Swapna Somasundaran, Educational Testing Services

Goran Glavaš, University of Mannheim

Eduard Hovy, Carnegie Mellon University
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