Apologies for multiple postings.

The first Workshop on Social Media and User Generated Content Machine
Translation (Social MT 2017) Co-located with EAMT 2017, Prague, Czech
For more information please visit:


With the widespread adoption of social media and online forums, individual
users have been able to actively participate in the generation of online
content in different languages and dialects. As a result, user-generated
content (UGC) has seen an enormous growth in the recent years. The nature
of UGC means that it can be generated at any time and in non-standard
language or formats. Compared to professionally edited text, it is often
more noisy, and likely to take some liberty with commonly established
grammar, punctuation and spelling norms. All this can make it difficult to
translate but UGC can also be incredibly valuable. This workshop will
explore the multifarious aspects of effective MT of data extracted from
social media.
The workshop aims to provide a research platform dedicated to new method
and techniques on translating user-generated content and exploring the use
of such transition on social media analytics. The workshop will solicit
original research contributions related to the theme, which includes (but
is not limited to):

- Models and Tools Development for Social MT
- Machine translation on Microblogs
- Multi-lingual social analytics
- Neural MT for UGC translation
- Multilingual crowdsourcing
- Building resources for UGC translation
- Sentiment translation of UGC
- Analyzing the diffusion of multilingual information
- Using MT for monitoring emergency responses among social crowds
- Multilingual Social-based web platform for disaster management
- Multilingual and language-specific Information Retrieval on Social Web
- Crosslingual document alignment using UGC data
- Named entity transliteration on social media content
- Code-mixed UGC translation
- MT for Big social data analysis

Submissions may include work in progress as well as finished work.
Submissions must have a clear focus on specific issues pertaining to UGC
and its translation. Descriptions of commercial systems are welcome, but
authors should be willing to discuss the details of their work.


January 30, 2017: First Call for Workshop Papers
March 3, 2017: Second Call for Workshop Papers
March 24, 2017: Workshop Paper Due Date
April 14, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
May 12, 2017: Camera-ready papers due
May 31, 2017: Workshop Date (half-day workshop)


Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines for EAMT 2017 (
Contributions can be short or long papers. Short paper submission must
describe original and unpublished work without exceeding eight (8) pages plus
any number of pages for references. Characteristics of short papers
include: a small, focused contribution; work in progress; a negative
result; an opinion piece; an interesting application nugget. Long paper
submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished
work without exceeding twelve (12) pages plus any number of pages for
Reviewing will be double-blind, so the papers should not reveal the
authors’ identity. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop
Double submission policy: Parallel submission to other meetings or
publications is possible but must be immediately notified to the workshop
Submission Website:

Extended versions of the best papers will be published into an upcoming
special issue of “Translating User Generated Content” on Machine
Translation Journal


General Chair: Andy Way (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)

Program Chair :Haithem Afli (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)

Program Committee
Loïc Barrault (LIUM, Le Mans University)
Laurent Besacier (LIG, Grenoble University)
Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh / Johns Hopkins University)
Abdelkarim Mars (Grenoble University)
Matteo Negri (FBK)
Houda Bouamor (CMU Qatar)
Yvette Graham (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
Dimitar Shterionov (KantanMT)
Marco Turchi (FBK)
Antonio Toral (University of Groningen)
Lucia Specia (University of Sheffield)
Kashif Shah (eBay)
Rejwanul Haque (Lingo24)
Barry Haddow (University of Edinburgh)
Jinhua Du (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
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