
can you check if the line

inhaled corticosteroids ||| inhalative Kortikoichaemic ||| ischämische |||
mono other

really occurs in the extract.o file?

It should only have source / target / reordering status, not 4 entries.

Did something go wrong when the extract file was created (out of disk

Do you have "|||" in the corpus?

Did you try re-running extract & build reorder?


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Anna Kupś <aniak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I got the following error while using Experiment Management System:
> ==> TRAINING_build-reordering.3 <==
> PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/
> sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/snap/bin"
> cd /root/working/experiments
> echo 'starting at '`date`' on '`hostname`
> mkdir -p /root/working/experiments/training
> /root/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl -mgiza -mgiza-cpus 8
> -dont-zip -first-step 7 -last-step 7 -external-bin-dir
> /root/mosesdecoder/tools -f en -e de -alignment grow-diag-final-and
> -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -extract-file 
> /root/working/experiments/model/extract.2
> -reordering-table /root/working/experiments/model/reordering-table.3
> echo 'finished at '`date`
> touch /root/working/experiments/steps/3/TRAINING_build-reordering.3.DONE
> ==> TRAINING_build-reordering.3.INFO <==
> lexicalized-reordering = msd-bidirectional-fe
> INPUT = USED /root/working/experiments/model/extract.2
> # reuse run 2 for TRAINING:extract-phrases
> ==> TRAINING_build-reordering.3.STDERR <==
> Using SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: /root/mosesdecoder/scripts
> using gzip
> (7) learn reordering model @ Tue Mar 28 12:19:55 CEST 2017
> (7.1) [no factors] learn reordering model @ Tue Mar 28 12:19:55 CEST 2017
> (7.2) building tables @ Tue Mar 28 12:19:55 CEST 2017
> Executing: /root/mosesdecoder/scripts/../bin/lexical-reordering-score
> /root/working/experiments/model/extract.2.o.sorted.gz 0.5
> /root/working/experiments/model/reordering-table.3. --model "wbe msd
> wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe"
> Lexical Reordering Scorer
> scores lexical reordering models of several types (hierarchical,
> phrase-based and word-based-extraction
> ==> TRAINING_build-reordering.3.STDOUT <==
> starting at Di 28. Mär 12:19:54 CEST 2017 on machine-VirtualBox
> ==> TRAINING_build-reordering.3.STDERR <==
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'FileFormatException'
>   what():  phrase-extract/lexical-reordering/score.cpp:260 in void
> split_line(const StringPiece&, StringPiece&, StringPiece&, StringPiece&,
> StringPiece&, StringPiece&, float&) threw FileFormatException because
> `errIndex == next.data()'.
> Invalid extract file format: inhaled corticosteroids ||| inhalative
> Kortikoichaemic ||| ischämische ||| mono other
> Aborted (core dumped)
> Exit code: 134
> *ERROR: Lexical reordering scoring failed at
> /root/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl line 1924.*
> Does someone know how to get rid of that problem?
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Anna
> --
> Anna Kupś
> +48 782 823 850 <+48%20782%20823%20850> | www.linkedin.com/in/annakups
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