I am trying to improve the performance of Moses in a server environment
(not training).

I have tried various things, including the following which is described on
It has had no impact:

   - *Multi-threading: *Up to 16 Cores on Google's Cloud
   I used the option -threads all and -threads 16

   - *Memory:*
   I have launched Moses with as much as 60 GB of memory

   - *Caching the Models*
   Note: I only have the following files that I understand to be what you
   need to translate, including Phrase Table, Reordering Table, and target
   language model.
   Am I missing anything?  Your documentation suggests that I might at
   <http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.Optimize>.  I see these other
   files in my EMS directory but I get no errors without them.

   cat /home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/phrase-table.minphr >

   cat /home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/reordering-table.minlexr >

   cat /home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/target.blm.zh > /dev/null

*Memory: *I have launched Moses with as much as 60 GB of memory

   - *Other:*
   I made sure "transparent huge pages" are enabled, and I use the compact
   phrase and reordering tables.

So, I am now trying Moses2 and I am following the instructions here (
http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Site.Moses2).  I am having some issues with
this.  Here are my questions:

   - *Does the Moses executable have to match for Training and Server?*
   In other words, do I have to train the models with Moses2 if I want to
   run them with Moses2 Server?

   - *Moses2 Error Messages:*
   I tried just running it with Moses2 (without server and just basic
   ~/mosesdecoder/bin/moses2 -f ~/mt_publish/model_enzh/moses.ini

I get this error message:
Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
        config: /home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/moses.ini
        distortion-limit: 6
        feature: UnknownWordPenalty WordPenalty PhrasePenalty
PhraseDictionaryCompact name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
input-factor=0 output-factor=0 LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0
num-features=6 type=wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff input-factor=0
path=/home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/reordering-table Distortion
KENLM name=LM0 factor=0
path=/home/autom8tr8n/mt_publish/model_enzh/target.blm.zh order=3
        input-factors: 0
        mapping: 0 T 0
        server-port: 3001
        unknown-word-prefix: __UNK__
        unknown-word-suffix: __UNK__
        weight: LexicalReordering0= 0.0892686 0.0768025 0.0930783 0.0716109
0.00303172 0.0492278 Distortion0= 0.0399769 LM0= 0.107799 WordPenalty0=
-0.242343 PhrasePenalty0= 0.0403541 TranslationModel0= 0.0396487 0.0448175
0.0681687 0.0338723 UnknownWordPenalty0= 1

*Feature name PhraseDictionaryCompact is not registered.Aborted (core
dumped)^This error suggests that I didn't compile with CMPH.  I did.  See

   - *Compilation*
   From the file dates, Moses2 appears to have been compiled when I
   initially compiled Moses (1). Here is how I compiled it:
   ./bjam -a --with-boost=/home/autom8tr8n/mosesdecoder/boost_1_63_0

   Where is the compilation log file where I can see what Moses 2 was
   compiled with?

Please answer my questions about Moses2, look over the other optimization I
did, and please, I am all ears if you have other suggestions to boost
performance.  My very unscientific manual testing has shown about 1.2
seconds to translate a phrase.  No improvement at all has been made with
any optimization that I have tried so far.  A VM with a single core and
3.75 GB of memory performs just as good as a 16 core, 60 GB memory VM.

Thanks in advance,

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