The First Workshop on Multi-Language Processing in a Globalising World (MLP 2017)

September 4-5, Dublin City University, Ireland

MLP 2017 Call for Abstracts

MLP 2017 Call for Participation in Shared Tasks


MLP 2017 Call for Abstracts

The First Workshop on Multi-Language Processing in a Globalising World (MLP2017), organized by ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland, will be held at DCU on September 4–5, 2017.
Globalisation has, on the one hand, brought us significant growth in free international trade and cross-cultural communication, as well as access to newly-developed technology, media, education, healthcare, consumer goods, etc. On the other hand, it may have negative impacts on local societies, such as cultural homogenisation. To embrace cultural diversity and multilingual phenomena, experts with research interests in different languages are invited to participate in this workshop. This international workshop will be organised as a forum and we invite natural language processing researchers and linguists to come together to discuss the current status and future directions of research in multilingualism and minority languages in this globalising world.
The workshop aims to provide a research forum dedicated to state-of-the-art methods and techniques on multi-language and cross-language processing and exploring the use of such technologies in specific tasks. The workshop will solicit original and ongoing research contributions related to the theme, which includes but are not limited to:


   Theoretical and applied linguistic research for multilinguality and
   minority languages


   Text encoding theory and transcoding techniques


   Resource construction, such as multilingual corpora and corpora for
   minority languages


   Speech, lexical, syntactic, semantic analytics for multiple
   languages or minority languages


   Cross-language adaptation for natural language processing


   Multi-language, cross-language and minority language processing
   methods and applications in machine translation, speech recognition,
   information retrieval etc.


   Evaluation metrics for multi-language, cross-language and minority
   language processing


   Multi-language, cross-language and minority language processing for
   social media and user generated content


   Deep learning and expressions for multi-language processing


   Minority languages in emergency responses and security/disaster


   Multi-language or cross-language named entity recognition, entity
   relation extraction and event extraction


   Multi-language or cross-language linked data or knowledge graph


   Multi-language or cross-language anaphora resolution and discourse


   Multi-language or cross-language sentiment analysis


   Multi-language or cross-language text classification and generation


   Transliteration and machine translation

The language of the Workshop is English. Abstract submissions may include research results as well as work in progress. Submissions must have a clear focus on specific issues pertaining to and cross-language processing, including minority language processing. Descriptions of commercial systems are welcome, provided the authors are willing to discuss the details of their work. The number of pages should be limited to 1–2 pages.

We suggest you structure your abstract using the following headings but it is not mandatory:

 * Introduction
 * Existing Work
 * Methods Proposed
 * Results
 * Conclusion

Only the PDF version of the abstract is accepted. The submitted abstract will be subject to a double-blind review, and must not contain authors' names and affiliations.
Abstracts are submitted to
Important Dates:

 * Abstract Submission: June 30, 2017
 * Notification of Acceptance: July 20, 2017
 * Final Manuscript Submission: August 5, 2017
 * Registration: July 25, 2017
 * Conference: September 4-5, 2017


   Conference Chair:    Qun LIU (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University,
   Program Chair:
        Mikel L. Forcada (Universitat d’Alacant, Spain)

Mikel L. Forcada
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Office: +34 96 590 9776

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