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The 13th China Workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT 2017)
September 27 ~29, 2017, Dalian, China

The 13th China Workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT 2017), organized by the 
Chinese Information Processing Society of China, will be held at Dalian 
University of Technology, China, on September 27-29, 2017. The successive 
twelve workshops were successfully held by various institutes and universities. 
Among these, several activities and shared tasks were successfully organized, 
such as the Machine Translation Evaluation (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 
2015), and strategic planning meetings (2010, 2012) as well. CWMT plays an 
important role in strengthening and promoting the research and development of 
Machine Translation (MT) in China, it becomes a leading academic activity in 
the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP).

The CWMT aims at providing a forum to facilitate communication and academic 
exchanges among domestic and foreign scholars on the latest developments in the 
field of MT. CWMT 2017 features keynote speeches to be delivered by renowned 
experts in the field of MT; MT evaluation campaigns focusing on languages 
between Chinese and English/Mongolian/Tibetan/Uyghur/Japanese translations; MT 
Panel and MT in Practice to explore the leading edge technologies and 
applications in MT; and a best paper award to be distributed during the 
conference. An exhibition of commercial and research systems will be held 
during the conference to bring together the users, developers and researchers 
of MT. This conference will offer them a great opportunity to share and 
exchange valuable experiences on MT, and thus advance MT research and 
development in the region.

Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research on all 
aspects of MT and NLP, including, but not limited to:
*       Dictionary, corpus processing and tool development for machine 
*       Machine translation models and methods, including rule-based, 
example-based, statistical and neural machine translation
*       Pre-processing and post-processing for machine translation
*       Multi-engine translation system
*       Machine translation evaluation methodologies
*       Fundamental technologies for machine translation, such as word 
alignment, phrase extraction, name entity recognition and translation, lexical 
analysis, parsing, semantic analysis and document analysis for machine 
*       Machine translation applications, including cross-language information 
retrieval, computer-assisted translation, embedded translation, multilingual 
dialogue and speech translation
*       Machine translation of minority languages
*       Challenges and opportunities for machine translation in Internet era

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission                    July 15, 2017
Notification of Acceptance           August 25, 2017
Final Manuscript Submission       September 10, 2017
Conference                                         September 27-29, 2017
Registration                                        September 1, 2017

The language of the Workshop is Chinese and English. For English manuscripts, 
it will be published in the proceedings with Springer in the Communications in 
Computer and Information Science<http://www.springer.com/series/7899> series. 
The format of the manuscripts should follow Springer LNCS Authors 
Instructions<http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>, and 
the number of pages should be limited to 10-12 pages for long paper and 6 pages 
for short paper. For Chinese manuscripts, it will be published separately in a 
conference proceedings. Selected excellent Chinese manuscripts will be 
published by the Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
Papers will be undertaken by a double-blind review. The papers submitted for 
review must not contain authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, 
self-references that reveal the author's identity, for example, "We showed 
(Authors' name, 2017) ...", must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as 
"Authors' name (2017) showed ...".
Submission System:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cwmt2017
Conference main page: http://ee.dlut.edu.cn/CWMT2017/index.html

Conference Chair:             Qun LIU (Institute of Computing Technology, 
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Program Co-chairs:          Derek F. Wong (University of Macau),
Deyi XIONG (Soochow University)
Email:                                    cwmt-organizat...@googlegroups.com

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