---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Despina Mouratidi <dmourat...@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-07-27 10:38 GMT+03:00
Subject: Re: EMS problems - asking for help
To: Rico Sennrich <rico.sennr...@ed.ac.uk>

Dear Rico,

It works!!! But now I have errors with
step EVALUATION:test:nist-bleu-c crashed
step EVALUATION:test:nist-bleu crashed

both of the STDERR  files said FATAL INPUT ERROR:  no 'src_set' tag in
src_file '/home/despina/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/example/data/test-

I am searching in the mailing list but I can't find the solution.

Thank you very much!


2017-07-21 19:21 GMT+03:00 Rico Sennrich <rico.sennr...@ed.ac.uk>:

> Hello Despina,
> Assuming that you installed moses via 'git clone
> https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git', you can update it with
> 'git pull'. If you installed it via a RELEASE version or package, I
> recommend that you switch to using the git version, which is the most
> up-to-date. After 'git pull', you will need to recompile moses with the
> './compile.sh' script.
> You will have to look at the log files (STDERR and STDOUT) to find out why
> these other steps crashed.
> best wishes,
> Rico
> On 19/07/17 13:33, Despina Mouratidi wrote:
> Hello Rico,
> thank you for the quick answer. You were right about missing file
> moses.ini from /home/despina/working/experime
> nts/evaluation/test.filtered.11directory. So this error is gone but I
> have the old one error and one new
> step EVALUATION:test:reference-from-sgm crashed
> step EVALUATION:test:decode crashed
> For the first one you said to update my moses version, how can i do that?
> I think that I have the latest version of moses.
> Concerning to the EVALUATION:test:decode it said
> can't read
> output file /home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.output.17
> is empty.
> Thanks you
> Best
> Despina
> 2017-07-17 19:14 GMT+03:00 Rico Sennrich <rico.sennr...@ed.ac.uk>:
>> Hello Despina,
>> I think the error message indicates that the pseudo-config is missing,
>> which I think is one of these two files:
>> /home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.filtered.11/moses.ini
>> /home/despina/working/experiments/model/moses.ini.11
>> can you check if both files exist? I'm not sure why it is missing, but
>> maybe you're trying to resume an interrupted training run, or there is a
>> small bug in the EMS computation graph. Either creating the config
>> manually, copying it from a previous run (if nothing relevant has changed),
>> or ensuring that the step that produces this file is re-run, should fix the
>> problem.
>> regarding the perl compatibility, updating your moses version is the most
>> likely fix.
>> best wishes,
>> Rico
>> On 17/07/17 14:58, Despina Mouratidi wrote:
>> Dear Rico,
>> hello, how are you?
>> I am sending this email because I have some problems with ems. Now
>> actually I am trying to run test with ems and theano. At this email i would
>> like to ask for help about two errors that I have.
>> I did all the steps from the manual page 107, 3.5.3 (quick start) but
>> When I am typing from ~/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems directoyry
>> $ nohup nice ~/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/experiment.perl -config
>> config.toy -exec OUT.[RUN] &
>> I came with this error in EVALUATION_test_apply-filter.STDERR
>> filteredPath=/home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.filtered.11/moses.ini
>> origPath=/home/despina/working/experiments/model/moses.ini.11
>> tunedPath=/home/despina/working/experiments/tuning/moses.tuned.ini.11
>> outPath=/home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.filtered.ini.13
>> tempPath=/tmp/moses.ini.8735
>> cmd=/home/despina/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/support/substitute-filtered-tables.perl
>> /home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.filtered.11/moses.ini
>> < /home/despina/working/experiments/model/moses.ini.11 >
>> /tmp/moses.ini.8735
>> ERROR: could not find pseudo-config with filtered tables at
>> /home/despina/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/support/substitute-filtered-tables.perl
>> line 12.
>> cmd=/home/despina/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/support/substitute-weights.perl
>> /tmp/moses.ini.8735 
>> /home/despina/working/experiments/tuning/moses.tuned.ini.11
>> /home/despina/working/experiments/evaluation/test.filtered.ini.13
>> and also this error in EVALUATION_test_reference-from-sgm.STDERR
>> defined(@array) is deprecated at /home/despina/mosesdecoder/scr
>> ipts/ems/support/reference-from-sgm.perl line 63.
>>     (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
>> Died at 
>> /home/despina/mosesdecoder/scripts/ems/support/reference-from-sgm.perl
>> line 33, <REF> line 2.
>> Maybe I must to update my perl version? I have the v5.18.2.
>> Thanks in Advance
>> Despina
>> --
>> Rico Sennrich
>> School of Informatics
>> University of Edinburgh
>> 10 Crichton Street
>> Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, United Kingdom
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> --
> Rico Sennrich
> School of Informatics
> University of Edinburgh
> 10 Crichton Street
> Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, United Kingdom
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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