if you want fast decoding with more than 16 threads, use Moses2.

Hieu Hoang

On 11 December 2017 at 09:20, liling tan <alvati...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Moses community/developers,
> I have a question on how to handle large models created using moses.
> I've a vanilla phrase-based model with
>    - PhraseDictionary num-features=4 input-factor=0 output-factor=0
>    - LexicalReordering num-features=6 input-factor=0 output-factor=0
>    - KENLM order=5 factor=0
> The size of the model is:
>    - compressed phrase table is 5.4GB,
>    - compressed reordering table is 1.9GB and
>    - quantized LM is 600MB
> I'm running on a single 56 cores machine with 256GB RAM. Whenever I'm
> decoding I use -threads 56 parameter.
> It's takes really long to load the table and after loading, it breaks
> inconsistently at different lines when decoding, I notice that the RAM goes
> into swap before it breaks.
> I've tried compact phrased table and get a
>    - 3.2GB .minphr
>    - 1.5GV .minlexr
> And the same kind of random breakage happens when RAM goes into swap after
> loading the phrase-table.
> Strangely, it still manage to decode ~500K sentences before it breaks.
> Then I've tried with ondisk phrasetable and it's around 37GB uncompressed.
> Using the ondisk PT didn't cause breakage but the decoding time is
> significantly increased, now it can only decode 15K sentences in an hour.
> The setup is a little different from normal where we have the
> train/dev/test split. Currently, my task is to decode the train set. I've
> tried filtering the table with the trainset with
> filter-model-given-input.pl but the size of the compressed table didn't
> really decrease much.
> The entire training set is made up of 5M sentence pairs and it's taking 3+
> days just to decode ~1.5M sentences with ondisk PT.
> My questions are:
>  - Are there best practices with regards to deploying large Moses models?
>  - Why does the 5+GB phrase table take up > 250GB RAM when decoding?
>  - How else should I filter/compress the phrase table?
>  - Is it normal to decode only ~500K sentence a day given the machine
> specs and the model size?
> I understand that I could split the train set up into two and train 2
> models then cross-decode but if the training size is 10M sentence pairs,
> we'll face the same issues.
> Thank you for reading the long post and thank you in advances for any
> answers, discussions and enlightenment on this issue =)
> Regards,
> LIling
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