Sure - it's on my computer locally, but you can access the Google Drive
folder here:

You can see the results of 3 attempts in folders tmp.1-3. Tokenized and
lowercased input and reference files are there, along with all other files
automatically created by Moses.  Please let me know if this is enough
information or if you'd like more.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <>

> Hm, not really. Any chance you give me access to the tuning folder? I
> could try to run the scorer manually and see if I can reproduce the error.
> This looks like some debugging is needed.
> *From: *Kelly Marchisio <>
> *Sent: *Monday, January 15, 2018 6:57 AM
> *To: *Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <>
> *Cc: *moses-support <>
> *Subject: *Re: [Moses-support] M2 Scorer in EMS for Grammatical Error
> Correction
> I've sentence-split all my data, but tuning with M2SCORER and mert fails
> again.  In extract.err, I see:
> Binary write mode is NOT selected
> Scorer type: M2SCORER
> name: case value: true
> Data::m_score_type M2Scorer
> Data::Scorer type from Scorer: M2Scorer
> loading nbest from run1.best100.out.gz
> Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.
> Exception: vector
> On a previous run, I saw the std::bad_alloc error again.
> mert seems to get through one round, then dies right after finishing
> translating the document once. I know this because run1.out contains the
> entirely translated document, then it crashes.
> To simply things, my training data has 4998 sentence-split lines, and
> tuning has 500.  (Training originally had 5000 - the tokenizer/cleaner must
> have removed 2 lines). Sentences appear well-aligned looking at
> training/giza.1
> Any ideas on this one?
> On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 4:43 AM, Kelly Marchisio <>
> wrote:
> Yes, these errors happened during tuning with data like that. By the
> original Python implementation, do you mean the one from the CoNLL 2014
> shared task? (, under
> "Official Scorer")
> Thanks so much for the advice!  I'll fix up my data tomorrow and give this
> another go. Thank you :)
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 11:32 PM, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <
>> wrote:
> Are you tuning and testing on data like that? If yes this could be part of
> the problem. The M2 scorer in Moses is not really tested and probably not
> well suited for heavy duty (the original python implementation is even
> worse). So it would definitely be better to make sure that not too much
> weird stuff is going on in the data.
> *From: *Kelly Marchisio <>
> *Sent: *Saturday, January 13, 2018 8:28 PM
> *To: *Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <>
> *Cc: *moses-support <>
> *Subject: *Re: [Moses-support] M2 Scorer in EMS for Grammatical Error
> Correction
> Ah, good to know that the scorer was called successfully and that I can
> ignore the Levenshtein distance errors.
> As for allocating a huge piece of memory -- I realized that though my
> parallel corpus is aligned, I actually split the original corpus by
> *paragraph* instead of sentence. They're mostly short paragraphs (each max.
> ~4 sentences, probably max 80-100 tokens or so), but they are some outliers
> (the largest being ~250-300 tokens).  Most paragraphs would only need a few
> edits, but the largest might need 10-15+.  Could this be causing this
> problem?
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 11:08 PM, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <
>> wrote:
> There seem to be multiple issues here.
> As I said, I have null experience with EMS, so maybe someone else can help
> with that.
> The message in extract.err seems to actually mean, that you were
> successful in calling the M2 scorer in EMS, the only problem is it dies 😊
> The Levenshtein message is part of a failsafe that is meant to avoid
> exponentially long searches. It does not calculate the M2 metric for a
> sentence pair where there would be excessively many edits (these are
> usually wrong). Theses messages by themselves should not be a reason for
> worrying.
> The std::bad_alloc on the other hand is not good. It seems the scorer
> tries to allocate some huge piece of memory, probably some negative index
> somewhere and then dies. I have not seen this before. Is it possible that
> your system is creating a lot superfluous edits and the graph algorithm in
> M2 is going crazy due to that?
> *From: *Kelly Marchisio <>
> *Sent: *Saturday, January 13, 2018 7:46 PM
> *To: *Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <>; moses-support
> <>
> *Subject: *Re: [Moses-support] M2 Scorer in EMS for Grammatical Error
> Correction
> looping back in mailing-list and copying message :)
> Thanks so much for the response, Marcin!
> I did see your original repo, thanks for sending along.  I'd love to get
> this going with EMS because it looks like I can just pass in the M2 scorer
> with:
> tuning-settings = "-mertdir $moses-bin-dir -mertargs='--sctype M2SCORER'
> -threads $cores"
> However it fails with:
> ERROR: Failed to run '/Users/kellymarchisio/L101Fin
> al/experiments/tuning/tmp.1/'. at
> /Users/kellymarchisio/L101Final/programs/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/
> line 1775.
> cp: /Users/kellymarchisio/L101Final/experiments/tuning/tmp.1/moses.ini:
> No such file or directory
> There may be an error with the mert-moses script itself used with M2,
> because moses.ini was never created within tmp.1
> Additionally, in extract.err, I see:
> Binary write mode is NOT selected
> Scorer type: M2SCORER
> name: case value: true
> Data::m_score_type M2Scorer
> Data::Scorer type from Scorer: M2Scorer
> loading nbest from run1.best100.out.gz
> Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.
> Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.
> extractor(67381,0x7fffde7dd3c0) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=3368542481395712)
> failed (error code=3)*** error: can't allocate region
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Exception: std::bad_alloc
> I'm curious if you've come across these issues (I'm interested why I'm
> seeing "Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.") and if you have
> any pointers for how I can get to work for me with
> M2Scorer.
> Best,
> Kelly
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 9:13 PM, Kelly Marchisio <>
> wrote:
> Thanks so much for the response, Marcin!
> I did see your original repo, thanks for sending along.  I'd love to get
> this going with EMS because it looks like I can just pass in the M2 scorer
> with:
> tuning-settings = "-mertdir $moses-bin-dir -mertargs='--sctype M2SCORER'
> -threads $cores"
> However it fails with:
> ERROR: Failed to run '/Users/kellymarchisio/L101Fin
> al/experiments/tuning/tmp.1/'. at
> /Users/kellymarchisio/L101Final/programs/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/
> line 1775.
> cp: /Users/kellymarchisio/L101Final/experiments/tuning/tmp.1/moses.ini:
> No such file or directory
> There may be an error with the mert-moses script itself used with M2,
> because moses.ini was never created within tmp.1
> Additionally, in extract.err, I see:
> Binary write mode is NOT selected
> Scorer type: M2SCORER
> name: case value: true
> Data::m_score_type M2Scorer
> Data::Scorer type from Scorer: M2Scorer
> loading nbest from run1.best100.out.gz
> Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.
> Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.
> extractor(67381,0x7fffde7dd3c0) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=3368542481395712)
> failed (error code=3)*** error: can't allocate region
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Exception: std::bad_alloc
> I'm curious if you've come across these issues (I'm interested why I'm
> seeing "Levenshtein distance is greater than source size.") and if you have
> any pointers for how I can get to work for me with
> M2Scorer.
> Best,
> Kelly
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 9:53 PM, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <
>> wrote:
> Hi,
> We never really used it with EMS, so I do not think anyone can help you
> here. Did you have a look at the original repo:
> ? Otherwise we can
> probably take this off-list and try to help you personally 😊
> *From: *Kelly Marchisio <>
> *Sent: *Friday, January 12, 2018 6:20 PM
> *To: *moses-support <>
> *Subject: *[Moses-support] M2 Scorer in EMS for Grammatical Error
> Correction
> Does anyone have experience using the M2 scorer for grammatical error
> correction with EMS for tuning and evaluation? Junczys-Dowmunt &
> Grundkiewicz (2016) use M2 (
> l/baselines-emnlp2016/tree/c4fbcc09b45a46c7c46bdda2ba10484fa16e8f82), but
> I see no examples of using it with EMS.
> Does anyone have experience or advice on how I can use the M2 scorer for
> GEC in my project? I'm having trouble figuring out how to incorporate it
> without an example. (for instance, how best to setup experiment.meta & the
> config file to incorporate it)
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