Dear Moses Dev,

NLTK has a Python port of the word tokenizer in Moses. The tokenizer works
well in Python and create a good synergy to bridge Python users to the code
that Moses developers have spent years to hone.

But it seemed to have hit a wall with some licensing issues.

General port of LGPL code is considered derivative and is incompatible with
Apache or MIT license. I understand that LGPL keeps derivative from being
proprietary but it's a little less permissive than non-copyleft license
like Apache and MIT licenses.

Note that this licensing issue might also affect Marian which is MIT
license and also incompatible with LGPL so although technically users can
chain the code from different libraries, but Marian couldn't have any
dependencies on the Moses components. (But we know do know that none of our
models built with Marian would work without the Moses tokenizer which is in

Would there be a possibility to dual license the Moses repository with LGPL
and Apache/BSD/MIT license. I'm not sure whether it's allowed to have dual
licenses with LGPL and Apache/BSD/MIT license though. Might have to check
with some proper legal personnel though.

If dual license is not possible would it be possible relicense the code
under BSD/Apache/MIT license? That way it's more permissive for derivatiive

I think the last scenario is for NLTK to drop the Python port of Moses code
entirely from Apache license repository but I think that'll remove the
synergy between various OSS.

Hope to hear from Moses devs soon!

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