you're gonna have to do some debugging yourself. Perhaps look inside
train_Moses.job and training.out

Hieu Hoang

On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 11:48, Aaron Poet <> wrote:

> Hi Hieu
> Thanks for the reply. But, after I added the colon there, it still have
> some problem in running.
> *When I tried to run directly on the note of server it shows below:*
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$ nohup nice
> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl
> -root-dir train -corpus
> /home/aaronhan/NMT/THUMT/corpora/preprocessed_wmt18en5maa.true -f zh -e en
> -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm
> 0:3:$HOME/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en:8 -external-bin-dir
> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/tools/ >& training.out &
> [1] 26177
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$
> It produced a folder 'train' and sub-folder 'corpus' and the empty files 
> "en.vcb.classes
> en.vcb.classes.cats  zh.vcb.classes  zh.vcb.classes.cats"
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$ ls
> slurm-23199.out  slurm-23201.out  *train*         *train_Moses.job*
> slurm-23200.out  slurm-23202.out  training.out
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$ cd train/
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working/train$ ls
> *corpus*
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working/train$ ls corpus/
> en.vcb.classes  en.vcb.classes.cats  zh.vcb.classes  zh.vcb.classes.cats
> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working/train$
> *When I submitted this command as job file to server, it does not appear
> in the job list/ doesn't to look like running.*
> Do you have any clue for this, please?
> Kind regards,
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:45 AM Hieu Hoang <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Jul 2019, 19:58 Aaron Poet, <> wrote:
>>> Hi Moses-Support
>>> I firstly build the lm as below:
>>> (base) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses$ head -20
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/
>>> \data\
>>> ngram 1=553697
>>> ngram 2=8790963
>>> ngram 3=28838697
>>> \1-grams:
>>> -6.993945       <unk>   0
>>> 0       <s>     -1.6929523
>>> -2.0611665      </s>    0
>>> -2.3942525      the     -0.9461817
>>> -3.6470015      show    -0.6162386
>>> -4.1808434      stars   -0.5792577
>>> -4.1823444      X       -0.53191173
>>> -5.0213814      Girls   -0.33374956
>>> -2.5064495      -       -0.6326866
>>> -2.5754578      a       -0.9741243
>>> -5.1265607      troupe  -0.3527482
>>> -2.2843323      of      -0.91076595
>>> -4.663717       talented        -0.3983
>>> -5.2061567      topless -0.27003714
>>> Then, I binary it as bellow:
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/bin/build_binary
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en
>>> (base) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses$ ls -lh
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 aaronhan users 715M Jul 29 18:38
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en
>>> when I test it, it looks working out:
>>> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$ echo "is this an English
>>> sentence ?"                       \
>>> > | /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/bin/query
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en
>>> is=23 2 -2.5766807      this=321 3 -1.0483611   an=108 3 -2.1032705
>>> English=1731 2 -2.8970845       sentence=3266 3 -2.8317716      ?=815 2
>>> -2.0824053      </s>=2 3 -0.035550244       Total: -13.575124 OOV: 0
>>> Perplexity including OOVs:      86.9567697150713
>>> Perplexity excluding OOVs:      86.9567697150713
>>> OOVs:   0
>>> Tokens: 7
>>> Name:query      VmPeak:748300 kB        VmRSS:4052 kB   RSSMax:503644
>>> kB        user:0.008      sys:0.652       CPU:0.66        real:61.9797
>>> However, when I run the overall Moses training, it produced error as
>>> below:  *Wrong format of --lm. Expected: --lm factor:order:filename*
>>> (tensorflow) aaronhan@grove2:~/Moses/working$ nohup nice
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl
>>> -root-dir train -corpus
>>> /home/aaronhan/NMT/THUMT/corpora/preprocessed_wmt18en5maa.true -f zh -e en
>>> -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm
>>> 0:3$HOME/Moses/lm/wmt18_5maaZhEn.blm.en:8 -external-bin-dir
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/tools/ >& training.out &
>>> [1] 23346
>>> You forgot a colon between 3 and $HOME
>>>  GNU nano 2.7.4
>>>   File: training.out
>>> nohup: ignoring input
>>> Using SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/scripts
>>> Using single-thread GIZA
>>> using gzip
>>> ERROR: Wrong format of --lm. Expected: --lm factor:order:filename at
>>> /home/aaronhan/Moses/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl line
>>> 605.
>>> Can you let me know how to solve this, please?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Aaron
>>> --
>>> PhD student, Msc. (excellent), Bsc. (Maths)
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>>> ADAPT <> ResearchCentre &
>>> School of Computing, DCU,
>>> Dublin, Ireland
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