CALL FOR PAPERS: Machine Translation Journal
Special Issue on Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages

1. Expression of interest (EOI) by next Tuesday (26 Nov 2019):
2. Paper submission deadline: 25 Feb 2020.

GUEST EDITORS (Listed alphabetically)
• Alina Karakanta (FBK-Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
• Audrey N. Tong (NIST)
• Chao-Hong Liu (ADAPT Centre/Dublin City University)
• Ian Soboroff (NIST)
• Jonathan Washington (Swarthmore College)
• Oleg Aulov (NIST)
• Xiaobing Zhao (Minzu University of China)

Machine translation (MT) technologies have been improved significantly in
the last two decades, with developments in phrase-based statistical MT
(SMT) and recently neural MT (NMT). However, most of these methods rely on
the availability of large parallel data for training the MT systems,
resources which are not available for the majority of language pairs, and
hence current technologies often fall short in their ability to be applied
to low-resource languages. Developing MT technologies using relatively
small corpora still presents a major challenge for the MT community. In
addition, many methods for developing MT systems still rely on several
natural language processing (NLP) tools to pre-process texts in source
languages and post-process MT outputs in target languages. The performance
of these tools often has a great impact on the quality of the resulting
translation. The availability of MT technologies and NLP tools can
facilitate equal access to information for the speakers of a language and
determine on which side of the digital divide they will end up. The lack of
these technologies for many of the world's languages provides opportunities
both for the field to grow and for making tools available for speakers of
low-resource languages.

In recent years, several workshops and evaluations have been organized to
promote research on low-resource languages. NIST has been conducting Low
Resource Human Language Technology evaluations (LoReHLT) annually from 2016
to 2019. In LoReHLT evaluations, there is no training data in the
evaluation language. Participants receive training data in related
languages, but need to bootstrap systems in the surprise evaluation
language at the start of the evaluation. Methods for this include pivoting
approaches and taking advantage of linguistic universals. The evaluations
are supported by DARPA's Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents
(LORELEI) program, which seeks to advance technologies that are less
dependent on large data resources and that can be quickly pivoted to new
languages within a very short amount of time so that information from any
language can be extracted in a timely manner to provide situation awareness
to emergent incidents. There are also the Workshop on Technologies for MT
of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT) and the Workshop on Deep Learning
Approaches for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing (DeepLo), which
provide a venue for sharing research and working on the research and
development in this field.

This special issue solicits original research papers on MT systems/methods
and related NLP tools for low-resource languages in general. LoReHLT,
LORELEI, LoResMT and DeepLo participants are very welcome to submit their
work to the special issue. Summary papers on MT research for specific
low-resource languages, as well as extended versions (>40% difference) of
published papers from relevant conferences/workshops are also welcome.

Topics of the special issue include but are not limited to:
 * Research and review papers of MT systems/methods for low-resource
 * Research and review papers of pre-processing and/or post-processing NLP
tools for MT
 * Word tokenizers/de-tokenizers for low-resource languages
 * Word/morpheme segmenters for low-resource languages
 * Use of morphological analyzers and/or morpheme segmenters in MT
 * Multilingual/cross-lingual NLP tools for MT
 * Review of available corpora of low-resource languages for MT
 * Pivot MT for low-resource languages
 * Zero-shot MT for low-resource languages
 * Fast building of MT systems for low-resource languages
 * Re-usability of existing MT systems and/or NLP tools for low-resource
 * Machine translation for language preservation
 * Techniques that work across many languages and modalities
 * Techniques that are less dependent on large data resources
 * Use of language-universal resources
 * Bootstrap trained resources for short development cycle
 * Entity-, relation- and event-extraction
 * Sentiment detection
 * Summarization
 * Processing diverse languages, genres (news, social media, etc.) and
modalities (text, speech, video, etc.)

November 26, 2019: Expression of interest (EOI)
February 25, 2020: Paper submission deadline
July 7, 2020: Camera-ready papers due
December, 2020: Publication

o For EOI, please submit via the link:
o For paper submission, please go to the MT journal website and select this special issue
o Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors"
o Recommended length of paper is 15 pages

*Chao-Hong Liu* | PhD; Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow (MSCA RISE)
ADAPT Centre
School of Computing m: +353 (0) 89 247 3035
Dublin City University e:
Dublin 9, Ireland
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