So I followed the tutorial for the baseline system and I want to try using
a Lattice input. I made a test.plf file which contains 2 sentences
formatted as shown in the manual (6.5.1) and was checked by the checkplf

I used this command :
~/mosesdecoder/bin/moses -f moses.ini --inputtype 2 --max-phrase-length 13
--weight-i 1 < test.plf > PLF13.en 2> PLF.out
and I got an erro saying:
Exception: moses/Parameter.cpp:572 in bool Moses::Parameter::LoadParam(int,
const char**) threw util::Exception.
Don't mix old and new ini file format
and when I removed the " --weight-i 1" argument I get this :
Exception: moses/ConfusionNet.cpp:72 in
Moses::ConfusionNet::ConfusionNet(const ptr&) threw util::Exception because
`InputFeature::InstancePtr() == __null'.
Input feature must be specified
Anyone can help me on how to set the input feature?
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