I am a PhD student and I am experimenting with Moses SMT. I noticed that when 
the N-Gram exceeds six, I get an error. I hope this message helps explaining 
the issue:
RROR: Failed to run'/home/fadiko/mosesdecoder/bin/moses -threads 8 
-configfiltered/moses.ini -show-weights'. 
at/home/fadiko/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/ line 1775.

testing ... 

computing BLEU ... 

Use of uninitialized value$length_reference in numeric eq (==) 
at/home/fadiko/mosesdecoder/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl line 148. 
Do you have any idea on howto handle this issue?
Fadi AL-GHAWANMEHPhD student at the University of Lorraine
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