On 8/1/15 4:06 PM, Richard H. McCullough wrote:
> 1) I installed Cygwin mosh on Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 10 Pro
>      I installed Homebrew  mosh on iMac OSX 10.10.4
> 2) From Win8.1 and Win10 Cygwin
>        ssh rhmimac       succeeds
>        mosh rhmimac   fails
> copy/paste from Win10 Cygwin terminal screen:
> rhm@lenovo7
> $ ssh rhmimac
> Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address
> '' to the list of known hosts.
> Password:
> Last login: Sat Aug 1 12:24:27 2015 from levono7
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ pwd
> /Users/rhm
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ lf
> Applications/ Norton Zone/ brew.install.bison input.log share/
> Applications (Parallels)/ OLDbin/ brew.install.gtk-doc junk/ software/
> Desktop/ OLDunicon/ cyc/ lib/ src/
> Documents/ OneDrive/ db/ mKE 4-20-14, 4.32 AM.xcarchive/ sumo/
> Downloads/ Pictures/ family/ mac/ temp/
> Dropbox/ Public/ get-pip.py mactest/ test/
> Google Drive/ Snap2.jpg github/ mke.log toc.html
> KE/ Snap3.jpg gtest/ newtest/
> Library/ UNICON.3833/ include/ none.log
> Movies/ brew.config index.htm python/
> Music/ brew.doctor info/ rcyc/
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ which mosh
> /usr/local/bin/mosh
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ which mosh-server
> /usr/local/bin/mosh-server
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ exit;
> logout
> Connection to rhmimac closed.
> rhm@levono7 ~
> $ mosh rhmimac
> Password:
> bash: mosh-server: command not found
> Connection to rhmimac closed.
> /usr/bin/mosh: Did not find mosh server startup message.
> rhm@levono7 ~

As the error indicates, mosh-server was not found at startup.  That's
because the program is installed as /usr/local/bin/mosh-server, but that
directory is not included in the default PATH for login sessions.

  mosh --server=/usr/local/bin/mosh-server rhimac

should work, or you can set PATH to include this directory in your shell
startup scripts.

Also, the OS X firewall may pop up an allow/deny dialog the first time
you try and run mosh-server, so you need to be at the Mac to click on it.

> 3) from iMac OS X 10.10.4
>      ssh lenovo7        fails
>      mosh lenovo7   fails
> error messages from iMac OS X 10.10.4 terminal screen:
> rhmimac:~ rhm$ ssh lenovo7
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname lenovo7: nodename nor servname provided,
> or not known
> rhmimac:~rhm$ mosh lenovo7
> /usr/local/bin/mosh: Could not resolve hostname lenovo7
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> /usr/local/bin/mosh: Did not find remoe IP address (is SSH ProxyCommand
> disabled?).
> rhmimac:~ rhm$

This has nothing to do with either ssh or mosh; your Mac simply isn't
finding 'lenovo7'.  The typescript of your ssh-to-rhimac session above
suggests you might have a typo in its naming somewhere and it might be
'levono7' on your network.  This seems to be a fairly common typo with
the Lenovo name.



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