John, Keith, thanks a lot for your sophisticated explanation. At least
now I understand where the problem lies.

John Hood [2016-06-07 22:56 -0400] :

> The base16 scripts rely on an obscure XTerm feature-- the OSC
> change-color commands.  Mosh doesn't support those commands, or pass
> them through.
> You could also investigate XTerm's XTerm.vt100.color* resources,
> documented in the man page, which appear to have the needed
> functionality.  X resources are horribly archaic, but they should work
> reliably for any XTerm you start without requiring any scripting.

I am surprised how you could describe my set-up although you actually
don't know it. The explanation makes totally sense to me. I'll see
whether I write a wrapper script. If I do, I will let you know and share

FWIW, there are resources to configure XTerm the 'archaic' way, so that
should be easy:

Keith Winstein [2016-06-07 20:02 -0700] :

> Hope this helps!

It definitely does!

Thanks again,


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