Of course. I had forgotten that I modified both .profile and .bash_profile.
My /etc/paths files includes the path but neither .profile or .bash_profile are 
reading the paths file.

 Thanks for the tip.

> On May 1, 2019, at 7:19 AM, Andrew C Aitchison <and...@aitchison.me.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2019, Tim Roberts wrote:
>> I am new to mosh and just trying to get basic function working correctly.
>> I have mosh installed both on server and client.
>> I can connect using mosh if use:
>> mosh ?server=/usr/local/bin/mosh-server u...@ip.add ?ssh=ssh -p port-number?
>> If I use mosh u...@ip.add ?ssh=ssh -p port-number?
>> I get the error:
>> "/usr/local/bin/mosh: Did not find mosh server startup message. (Have you 
>> installed mosh on your server?)?
>> %printenv PATH
>> returns /usr/local/bin in its output on both machines. So I believe
>> "Server binary outside path? does not apply.?
> Does running
>     ssh u...@ip.add <mailto:u...@ip.add> ?ssh=ssh -p port-number? printenv 
> *on the client*
> give the same as running "printenv PATH" on the server ?
> Most shells initialize your environment differently for "login shells"
> and running remote commands (how this initialisation is done depends
> not just on the shell, but on the OS distribution defaults).
> For example, only one or both of ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc
> may be run, depending whether you run
>    ssh u...@ip.add <mailto:u...@ip.add>
>    printenv PATH
> - a login shell, or
>    ssh u...@ip.add <mailto:u...@ip.add> printenv PATH
> -running a remote command inside an implicit shell.
> This is similar to the difference between
>     su user
> and
>     su - user
> (There can also be options in your ssh config which can be set to copy
> PATH and other environment variables from the client to the server.
> However this can makes things more confusing unless your client and
> server are set up the same way.)
>> I am using an ssh config file, so I would like to get things setup
>> to use %mosh server_name as I do with ssh.
>> I was able to get it to work by adding an alias in my .bash_profile,
>> but I wonder how that will effect passing other options later as I
>> learn more.

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