Today I took a trip to look for longspurs and the Black-headed Gull. I 
pulled up to Red Rock Prairie at 11 in the morning. I'd never been here, so 
as I was contemplating on how to get over the barbed wire fence, when a 
flock of around 25 longspurs flew over the road toward the prairie and 
landed a little ways in. I took of for that area and after a little 
searching I flushed one. So I stood still scanning the grass, but I couldn't 
see anything, so I took another step, and a flock of 18 flew up, calling the 
entire time. Then I walked a little farther and flushed up 15 more. I 
couldn't relocate them so I looked for the Gull(no luck). On the way home I 
stopped back at the prairie(around 2P.M.)  because I wanted to see if I 
could see them on the ground. I walked in and soon flushed one, so I stood 
still and pretty soon I could see one standing in the was 
pretty neat, you could see the facial pattern and the buff chest and belly. 
It stood still for about 30 seconds then took off. So I only relocated 2 but 
I didn't search the prairie very extensively.

They were mostly in the SE portion of the praire between the road and the 
little ravine.

Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie

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