This morning Leslie Marcus, Susan Schumacher, and I went out to Murphy-Hanrehan 
Park Reserve in Scott Co to try and find a Hooded Warbler.  We more than met 
our expectations when we we driving in on Scott 75 Murphy Lake Road, just .5 
farther from the Park Entrance.  We heard several Indigo Buntings calling, and 
pulled over next to the orange gated rail to watch them.  When we were looking 
at them a Hooded Warbler started singing away, and shortly after crossed the 
road in front of us, and perched on a tree branch.

I have never seen them outside of the interior of the park before, and could 
hardly believe our good fortune to see him from the road so well.  We saw 7 
Hooded Warblers up close and personal on the hiking trails, and they were all 
singing out in the open in no particular hurry to disappear.  Other Warblers 
were slow one here and there, but very nice to see and hear the Scarlet 
Tanagers back in the park.  It was a beautiful morning to take a hike in the 
woods, and we noticed that the Large-flowered Bellwort was blooming in many 

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty

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