I try to do an unofficial tally of the birds in my local area each June.
Saturday and Sunday morning were  georgeous days to do it. Due to 
the dry winter and spring we have no bugs. I covered the rice paddies 
in Embarrass, Biwabik sewage ponds. Forest highway 11, Partridge 
river and in-town Hoyt Lakes sites. I had 94 species, with 17 warblers, 
(no gold.- winged). 3 Conn. on Hwy 11 in 2 spots. 4 Bitterns at the rice 
paddies and 8 male yel. H. Blkbds. The only unexpected bird was an 
Eared grebe on the sewage ponds. The most fun was finding 2 young 
Great Horned owls, partially feathered sitting on a log in the Back bay 
of White Water Lake in HL and getting pictures of them. Numbers of 
all species seemed about normal, with plenty of all the usual warblers 
and sparrows. 3 BB Cuckoos, many Alder flycatchers calling. I think 
there are fewer Cowbirds and no Purple Martins. Anyone who is 
curious could certainly email me for more specifics.
Audrey L. Evers
Hoyt lakes-St. Loius Co.

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