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I am seeking some advice as to where to hang a hummingbird feeder.  I =
have a relative large back yard adjacent to a wooded area.  I have =
several feeders about that attract finches, chickadees, grossbeaks, =
cardinals, etc. My wife has two small gardens but they are in open =
areas. All feeders, except one, hang from trees and are pretty well =
sheltered.  I am unsure where to hang the hummingbird feeder.  Should it =
be near the others?  Should it be in the open or sheltered?  Should =
there be more than one?  We do have hummingbirds about as they =
occasionally fly through the yard.  Any advice one can give will be =
greatly appreciated  Thanks.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am seeking some advice as to where to =
hang a=20
hummingbird feeder.&nbsp; I have a relative large back yard adjacent to =
a wooded=20
area.&nbsp; I have several feeders about that attract finches, =
grossbeaks, cardinals, etc.&nbsp;My&nbsp;wife has two small gardens but =
they are=20
in open areas. All feeders, except one, hang from trees and are pretty =
sheltered.&nbsp; I am unsure where to hang the hummingbird feeder.&nbsp; =
it be near the others?</FONT>&nbsp; Should it be in the open or =
Should there be more than one?&nbsp; We do have hummingbirds about as =
occasionally fly through the yard.&nbsp; Any advice one can give will be =
appreciated&nbsp; Thanks.</DIV></BODY></HTML>


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