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Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
SE Minnesota - Field Trip Report
Craig Mandel
13 - participants
36 - species observed

Our group spent the day touring the back roads of Olmsted, Fillmore and 
Houston Counties.  We tried for some of the previously reported species in the 
area, meeting Nancy Overcott at the area where the Townsend's Solitaire had 
reported.  We were unable to locate that species, but did see Northern Flicker, 
American Robin and a few participants had a brief look at a song sparrow in 
that area.  After searching for the Solitaire we stopped at Nancy's and ate 
lunch while watching the birds at her feeders.  Including 3 species of 
woodpecker, Purple Finches and several Tufted Titmice.  Best place I've had 
lunch at in 
some time!  After that we headed over to Houston County and a search of CR 5 
where we turned up at least 2 and possible 3 or 4 Golden Eagles.  For those in 
search of these birds, just drive south on CR 5 from CR 14 and began watching 
for the Eagles in flight over the bluffs and sitting at the tops of trees and 
on power poles.  We encountered our first one at about the 3 mile mark and 
then observed a sub adult sitting on a power pole for 15 minutes at about the 4 
mile mark or 2.2 miles West of CR 23.  We also observed another adult just East 
of CR 23.  But with the birds moving, its hard to tell how many birds we 
actually observed. We also observed a pair of Belted Kingfishers at a stream 
crossing on CR 5, 1/10th of a mile West of the intersection with CR 23.  At 
time we headed back to Olmsted County and arrived just in time to get a brief 
look at the Short-eared Owl that has been reported at the Salem Corners 
location.  Next we called in a pair of Eastern Screech Owls along 10th st SW, 
a nice look at a Red phased bird.  We ended at Ox Bow park calling in a pair 
of Barred Owls.

@ Rough-legged Hawk - one bird was observed on Fillmore more CR 6, 1.5 miles 
N of TWP Road 207.
@ Golden Eagle - Houston CR 5, between CR 14 and CR 23.  These birds were 
observed between 2:00 and 3:00pm
@ American Kestrel - Fillmore County, CR 18, 2 miles East of CR 23, Houston 
County, CR 5, three were observed in the same stretch of road as the Golden 
@ Mourning Dove - in the town of Caledonia.
@ Eastern Screech-Owl - 5:50 - 6:10pm - Olmsted County, SE corner of the 
intersection of 70 Ave SW and 10th St SW.  
@ Barred Owl - 6:50 - 7:00pm - Olmsted County, South side of Ox Bow Park.  
Heard and seen on the West side of CR 105, across from the first parking area 
the West side of CR 105.
@ Short-eared Owl - 5:30 - 5:40pm - Olmsted County, NW corner of the 
intersection of CR 25 & 70 Ave SW.
@ Belted Kingfisher - Houston CR 5, 1/10 of a mile West of CR 23
@ Red-headed Woodpecker - Olmsted County CR 19 about 3 miles South of Hyw 52.
@ Northern Flicker - Fillmore County & Houston County, 3 birds were observed 
along CR 5. 
@ Pileated Woodpecker
@ Northern Shrike - Olmsted County, Hyw. 30, 1.5 miles W of CR 138, Fillmore 
County, 1.5 miles SE of the intersection of CR 12 & CR 23.
@ Tufted Titmouse - Fillmore County, Nancy Overcott's feeders
@ Brown Creeper - Fillmore County, Eagle Bluff ELC.
@ Song Sparrow - Fillmore County, 1 mile NW of the reported Townsend's 
Solitaire location.
@ Purple Finch

Craig Mandel - egretc...@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter</DIV>
<DIV>SE Minnesota - Field Trip Report</DIV>
<DIV>Craig Mandel</DIV>
<DIV>13 - participants</DIV>
<DIV>36 - species observed</DIV>
<DIV>Our group spent the day touring the back roads of Olmsted, Fillmore and=
 Houston Counties.&nbsp; We tried for some of the previously reported specie=
s in the area, meeting Nancy Overcott at the area where the Townsend's Solit=
aire had been reported.&nbsp; We were unable to locate&nbsp;that species, bu=
t did see Northern Flicker, American Robin and a few participants had a brie=
f look at a song sparrow in that area.&nbsp; After searching for the Solitai=
re we stopped at Nancy's and ate lunch while watching the birds at her feede=
rs.&nbsp; Including 3 species of woodpecker, Purple Finches and several Tuft=
ed Titmice.&nbsp; Best place I've had lunch at in some time!&nbsp; After tha=
t we headed over to Houston County and a search of CR 5 where we turned up a=
t least 2 and possible&nbsp;3 or 4 Golden Eagles.&nbsp; For those in search=20=
of these birds, just drive south on CR 5 from&nbsp;CR 14 and began watching=20=
for the Eagles in flight over the bluffs and sitting at the tops of trees an=
d on power poles.&nbsp;&nbsp;We encountered our first one at about the 3 mil=
e mark and then observed a sub adult sitting on a power pole for 15 minutes=20=
at about the 4 mile mark or 2.2 miles West of CR 23.&nbsp; We also observed=20=
another adult just East of CR 23.&nbsp; But with the birds moving, its hard=20=
to tell how many birds we actually observed.&nbsp;We also observed a pair of=
 Belted Kingfishers at a stream crossing on CR 5, 1/10th of a mile West of t=
he intersection with CR 23.&nbsp; At this time we headed back to Olmsted Cou=
nty and arrived just in time to get a brief look at the Short-eared Owl that=
 has been reported at the Salem Corners location.&nbsp;&nbsp;Next we called=20=
in a pair of Eastern Screech Owls along&nbsp;10th st SW, getting a nice look=
 at a Red phased bird.&nbsp;&nbsp;We ended at Ox Bow park calling in a pair=20=
of Barred Owls.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Rough-legged Hawk - one bird was observed on Fillmore more CR 6, 1.5=20=
miles N of TWP Road 207.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Golden Eagle - Houston CR 5,&nbsp;between CR 14 and CR 23.&nbsp; Thes=
e birds were observed between 2:00 and 3:00pm</DIV>
<DIV>@ American Kestrel - Fillmore County, CR 18, 2 miles East of CR 23, Hou=
ston County, CR 5, three were observed in the same stretch of road as the Go=
lden Eagles.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Mourning Dove - in the town of Caledonia.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Eastern Screech-Owl - 5:50 - 6:10pm - Olmsted County, SE corner of th=
e intersection of&nbsp;70 Ave SW and 10th St SW.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>@ Barred Owl - 6:50 - 7:00pm - Olmsted County, South side of Ox Bow Par=
k.&nbsp; Heard and seen&nbsp;on the&nbsp;West side of CR 105, across from th=
e first parking area on the West side of CR 105.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Short-eared Owl - 5:30 - 5:40pm -&nbsp;Olmsted County, NW corner of t=
he intersection of CR 25 &amp;&nbsp;70 Ave SW.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Belted Kingfisher - Houston CR 5, 1/10 of a mile West of CR 23</DIV>
<DIV>@ Red-headed Woodpecker - Olmsted County CR 19 about 3 miles South of H=
yw 52.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Northern Flicker - Fillmore County &amp; Houston County, 3 birds were=
 observed along CR 5.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>@ Pileated Woodpecker</DIV>
<DIV>@ Northern Shrike - Olmsted County, Hyw. 30, 1.5 miles W of CR 138, Fil=
lmore County, 1.5 miles SE of the intersection of CR 12 &amp; CR 23.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Tufted Titmouse - Fillmore County, Nancy Overcott's feeders</DIV>
<DIV>@ Brown Creeper - Fillmore County, Eagle Bluff ELC.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Song Sparrow - Fillmore County, 1 mile NW of the reported Townsend's=20=
Solitaire location.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Purple Finch</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel - egretc...@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=


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