Pretty close to my list from the St Croix this morning Sue!

Ring-necked Ducks
Common Goldeneyes
Hooded Mergansers
Wood Ducks
Canvas Backs
Lesser Scaups
Common Mergansers
Great Blue Herons - around 50
Bald Eagles - 7
Ring-billed Gulls
Canada Geese
Red-winged Blackbird - first of the year
Grackles - first of the year
Mourning Doves
Kingbird - first of the year
Chipping Sparrows
Savannah Sparrow

Steve in Washington Co
> I haven't done any "away" birding this week, but just looking out the
> backdoor, I have seen the following:
> common mergansers
> mallards
> Franklin's gull
> ring-billed gulls
> Canada Geese
> Snow Geese
> red headed ducks
> pintails
> lesser scaup
> common goldeneyes
> canvas backs
> wood ducks
> hooded mergansers
> buffleheads
> 1 bald eagle
> Besides the usual suspects, I have also had 2 redpolls, a mourning dove,
> and a savannah sparrow at the feeder.

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