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This year I am taking my dad and another friend out to SW MN for our annual 
bird trip.  I plan on leaving on Wed night or Thurs. morn. before Memorial 
weekend.  This will be our third annual trip.  Last years trip to the SE corner 
was very rewarding - I guess three Prothonotaries were the highlights.  Thanks 
to all who gave me pointers at that time.
We will have 3-4 days to travel from Rock to Big Stone Counties, or wherever 
our plans send us.  Any help would be appreciated!
By the way.  I just returned from SE Arizona.  We had 2 days and hit it hard 
around Sierra Vista, Lake Patagonia and a quick morning at Madera.  We did not 
know the upper part of the canyon at Madera was closed but we had fun 
searching for the Flame colored Tananger that was seen the day before.  I guess 
was located again the day we were there.  Right place wrong time.
Highlights: where to begin?
Violet Crowned Hummingbird (2)
Calliope Hummingbird
Gray Hawk (2)
Trogon (3+?)
Elf Owls (2)
Dusky Capped Flycatcher (1)
There are always the "commons" down there that bring a smile to your face 
like the Canyon Wren, Bridled Titmouse, Verdin and countless other regional 
personalities - avian and bipedal.
My life list expanded by 34 sp. and my friends over 50.
Boy, I can't wait for our warblers to come back!  Talk about getting the 
My Kestrels are back to the box I made for the second year (last year there 
were 4 pups) woodies and hoodeds discussing the other box, chickadees 
investigating another box.  If they nest it will be 4 or 5 years running in the 
house.  Flickers, swallows, King fishers, ducks, sparrows and a bluebird flew 
over 2 days ago.  It would be nice to have the baby blues at the feeder again 
this year.  Everything is becoming so alive again.
Sorry I got so winded.
Here we go!

Chris Elmgren
Gnesen township,
Duluth, St. Louis County

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=3D"#ffffff"><FONT  BA=
CK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 FAMI=
LY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">This year I am taking my dad and=20=
another friend out to SW MN for our annual bird trip.&nbsp; I plan on leavin=
g on Wed night or Thurs. morn. before Memorial weekend.&nbsp; This will be o=
ur third annual trip.&nbsp; Last years trip to the SE corner was very reward=
ing - I guess three Prothonotaries were the highlights.&nbsp; Thanks to all=20=
who gave me pointers at that time.<BR>
We will have 3-4 days to travel from Rock to Big Stone Counties, or wherever=
 our plans send us.&nbsp; Any help would be appreciated!<BR>
By the way.&nbsp; I just returned from SE Arizona.&nbsp; We had 2 days and h=
it it hard around Sierra Vista, Lake Patagonia and a quick morning at Madera=
.&nbsp; We did not know the upper part of the canyon at Madera was closed bu=
t we had fun searching for the Flame colored Tananger that was seen the day=20=
before.&nbsp; I guess it was located again the day we were there.&nbsp; Righ=
t place wrong time.<BR>
Highlights: where to begin?<BR>
Violet Crowned Hummingbird (2)<BR>
Calliope Hummingbird<BR>
Gray Hawk (2)<BR>
Trogon (3+?)<BR>
Elf Owls (2)<BR>
Dusky Capped Flycatcher (1)<BR>
There are always the "commons" down there that bring a smile to your face li=
ke the Canyon Wren, Bridled Titmouse, Verdin and countless other regional pe=
rsonalities - avian and bipedal.<BR>
My life list expanded by 34 sp. and my friends over 50.<BR>
Boy, I can't wait for our warblers to come back!&nbsp; Talk about getting th=
e fever!<BR>
My Kestrels are back to the box I made for the second year (last year there=20=
were 4 pups) woodies and hoodeds discussing the other box, chickadees invest=
igating another box.&nbsp; If they nest it will be 4 or 5 years running in t=
he same house.&nbsp; Flickers, swallows, King fishers, ducks, sparrows and a=
 bluebird flew over 2 days ago.&nbsp; It would be nice to have the baby blue=
s at the feeder again this year.&nbsp; Everything is becoming so alive again=
Sorry I got so winded.<BR>
Here we go!<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR:=20=
>Chris Elmgren<BR>
Gnesen township,<BR>
Duluth, St. Louis County<BR>

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