4/21/04--Winona and Wabasha Counties

This afternoon, thanks to several tips from Jeff Stephenson and Chuck 
Krulas(aka J Big and Dr. K), I decided to take a trip to the Whitewater 
Wildlife Management Area (WMA).  The weather was a mix of sun and clouds but 
mild enough to be in a t-shirt and barefoot with sandals.  I noticed that 
yellow-bellied sapsuckers, ruby-crowned kinglets, and eastern towhees were 
abundant.  Other year birds included:

@Louisiana Waterthrush--atleast 2 pairs along the Trout Run Trail at 
Whitewater State Park.
@Virginia Rail--atleast six individuals found in appropriate habitat in the 
@Sora--fewer than Virginia, only three birds.
@Blue-gray Gnatcatcher--one bird.
@Bank Swallow--one bird in Wabasha portion of the WMA.
@Cliff Swallow--outside of the WMA in Wabasha County.

I also refound the Ross's Goose at one of the Dorer Pools.  Interestingly, I 
believe this to be the same bird I originally found at Silver Lake back on 
Februaury 29th.  It has been seen at Viola Pond, Olmsted County; near the 
WMA Hdqtrs, Winona County; and now the Dorer Pools, Wabasha County.  It has 
been seen by numerous others on many different occasions since the 29th.

I also bumped into Dr. Don Mahle.  It was great fun!  It has been nearly 20 
years since Dr. Risser first introduced Chris and I to Dr. Mahle.  The Drs. 
first met in medical school (I think) back in the early 1930's.  Dr. Mahle 
practiced medicine in Plainview while Dr. Risser practiced medicine in 
Stewartville.  They were great friends!  I think I'll be helping Dr. Mahle 
check his bluebird trail in the near future.  I'm excited about the 
opportunity!!  I then went to Lewiston and saw:

@Spotted Sandpiper--one bird (2nd of the year).
@Solitary Sandpiper--one bird.
@Wilson's Phalarope--one bird.

The Lewiston Sewage Ponds continue to be the most consistent spot for 
shorebirds in the SE.  I think it is rivaling Lake Byllesby in terms of 
diversity and consistency.  Personally, I have recorded 12 different species 
this spring including 4 Hudsonian Godwits last Friday.  There continues to 
be, since last Friday, over 100 pecs, tens of both yellowlegs, 3 baird's, a 
few least, and several snipe.

Good Birding!

John Hockema

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