Hello All,

        I got an email from someone about the sprague's pipit our group
found at Red Rock Prairie in Cottonwood County.  Because the last couple
nights were pretty late and the fact I got to a computer and stayed up
late again I was tired and failed to explain a few things as well as I
should have.  When I used the term "bright" pale orange bill I meant
easy to see but the bill was a pale orange just the exact color as the
Sibley's guide to bird's shows.  It also had pale pink legs instead of
just pale legs.  We were able to determine it as a juvenile by the fact
that the back contained scaly streaking over a white background unlike
what an adult should show as less scaly streaks over a buffy background.
Otherwise the bird is just as Bob explained.  If anyone has questions
feel free to email me and I'll see what I can do.  On the way home from
my grandparents today we stopped in Duluth in hopes the scissor-tailed
flycatcher would reappear though not getting our hopes up even though it
is my favorite bird.  We didn't see it and not much else.  We also
stopped at Park Point and didn't find much their either but a lone snow
bunting on the beach.  One more stop in Good Harbor Bay revealed a lone
surf scoter which was a year bird and added some spark to the long drive
home.  Good Birding to all,

Josh Watson
Grand Marais   

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